God speaks today Thursday | December 28, 2023

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8)
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; (Ephesians 4:14)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

God wants a realistic people

It's important to recognize and name our limitations and struggles instead of ignoring them. Specificity is key in approaching life situations and faith doesn't negate the need to do our part. Asking God for wisdom can help us understand ourselves and our context, leading to a life of purpose and clarity. The resources of heaven will come to our advantage as we take ourselves seriously and live from victory to victory. Read more...

Cross Reference

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. (Matthew 11:29)
They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither shall the heat nor sun smite them: for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them. (Isaiah 49:10)
Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; (Psalm 33:18)


Frank Sandoval: Very sure
Thanks for your comment, Frank Sandoval. It is true that it is important to be realistic and recognize our own giants, our limitations and personal struggles. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, "It is important that we lucidly understand what we are experiencing, that we do not live thinking about little birds in the air, like the ostrich, with its head stuck in the sand." We must be aware of our reality and specifically define our problems in order to face them. Faith does not negate the need to do our part before bringing our problems to the Lord, as it says in Psalm 32:8: "I will make you known and teach you the way in which you should walk; I will advise you with my eyes on you." ". Let us thank God for his wisdom and seek to live a life of purpose and lucidity. Blessings!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : Thank you LORD for the purpose of life that you grant me.
Thank you for your comment, Enrique Meneses Muñoz. It is wonderful to be able to thank the Lord for the purpose of life that he grants us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, when we take ourselves seriously and intend to live a life of purpose and lucidity, the resources of heaven come to our advantage. Let us remember that God guides us and teaches us the path in which we should walk, as he says in Psalm 32:8: "I will make you known and teach you the way in which you should walk; I will advise you with my eyes fixed on you." Continue to seek God's will and live according to His purpose. Blessings!
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : Thank you for that edifying message that leads us to look at ourselves where we are failing and, above all, what I lack, Lord, to do Your Will. May the Lord help us in our weakness, amen amen. Thank you so much
Thank you for your comment, Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez. It is comforting to know that the message has edified you and led you to reflect on your own failures and the need to seek to do God's will. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is important to recognize our limitations and strive to live a sober and whole life, walking in faith and doing our part. We can trust that the Lord will help us in our weakness, as it says in Ephesians 4:14: "Then we will no longer be children, tossed by the waves and carried to and fro by every wind of doctrine." Let us continue to seek the Lord's wisdom and direction in our lives. May God bless you abundantly!
Carlos Diaz: We must take a defined attitude in the situations that arise, counting on the will of our Father God.
Thank you for your comment, Carlos Diaz. You are absolutely right, as you mention, we must take a defined attitude in the situations that are presented to us, trusting in the will of our Father God. As Dr. Roberto Miranda says in his devotional, it is important to be realistic and specific when approaching life situations. We cannot ignore problems or disguise them, but we must face them with courage and trust in God. Let us remember that faith does not nullify our responsibility to do our part before presenting our problems to the Lord. Let us continue to seek God's wisdom to make decisions in line with his will. May God guide you in all your actions!
Marita: That every day is a balm for my ears, reading the words and teachings of God, teaching me how to live. It is my whole being how happy I am knowing that God is in me. ❤️ king of kings
Thanks for your comment, Marita. It is beautiful to know that God's words and teachings are a balm for your ears and that they teach you how to live. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, it is important to have a lucid outlook, illuminated by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Recognizing that God is in you and that he is the King of kings is a reason for great happiness and confidence. Continue to seek God's presence and will in your life, and trust that he will guide and bless you. May the peace and joy of the Lord always accompany you!
Francisco Diaz S.: Let us live with the confidence that God is always with us.- Let us undertake our work in the name of the Lord and in his name everything will go well.- God does not abandon those who take refuge in him.
Thank you for your comment, Francisco Diaz S. You are absolutely right, it is comforting to live with the confidence that God is always with us. As you mention, if we undertake our work in the name of the Lord, we can trust that everything will go well, since God does not abandon those who take refuge in Him. As Dr. Roberto Miranda says in his devotional, when we take ourselves seriously and live a life of purpose and lucidity, the resources of heaven come to our advantage. Let us continue to trust in the presence and support of God in all our actions. May God's blessing always be with you!
Rodolfo Quirós Ramirez : The word of the Lord today is very edifying. God bless you always and have a happy new year 2024.
Thank you for your comment, Rodolfo Quirós Ramirez. We are glad to know that the word of the Lord has been edifying to you. May God bless you abundantly and we also wish you a happy new year 2024, full of blessings and spiritual growth. Let us continue to seek God's will and trust in his guidance in this new year. May you have a year full of peace and joy in the presence of the Lord!
Moises Mora: As it is real, be in a good relationship with the Lord and you have to face those giants and they will fall without being intimidated, without fear and use that sling from above and they will fall and do so in the Lord's.
Thank you for your comment, Moisés Mora. You are absolutely right, it is important to maintain a good relationship with the Lord and face our giants without being intimidated or afraid, trusting in his power and using "that slingshot from above" that he provides for us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda mentions in his devotional, God wants a realistic people who recognize their limitations and struggles, but who also know how to specifically address them. With God's help, we can face any challenge and overcome. Let us continue to trust in the Lord and use the spiritual resources that He provides us to overcome our difficulties. May the strength and wisdom of the Lord accompany you in all your battles!
Thank you for your comment, Liliana Angeles Meneses. We are glad to know that you loved today's word devotional. It's wonderful how God's word can touch our hearts and give us encouragement and strength! From Peru Lima, we send you our thanks and blessings. May the word of God continue to be a source of inspiration and guidance in your life. Have a beautiful day!
Cesar Gonzales zapata: This is my comment today: Proverbs 16: 01 to 03 "Man proposes, but God disposes. To one his conduct may seem blameless; But the Lord judges the intention. Commit your Works to the Lord; And they will all be successfully carried out your plans" Friends in Christ, we are close to the end of the cycle of one more year in the earth's calendar, and in the time of our lives many of us perhaps find ourselves satisfied for having fulfilled our objectives and carried out our projects; Others may be frustrated because we have not reached the goal set; how many of us are in despair and anguish. In conclusion, each and every one of us has as a result the way, form and time we have acted in our lives, but I truly say that many of us have started the path without asking and giving God control of our lives because in many of us The heart and mind have not yet learned to fully trust in God and we regret our decisions; That is why I say that it is time to learn from mistakes and correct them but above all trust in God and follow his advice and teaching and certainly 2024 will be better for us if God takes control of our lives. Blessings family and friends in Christ a hug.
Thank you for your comment, Cesar González Zapata. The Bible quote you share from Proverbs 16:1-3 is very powerful and wise. It is true that many times we can make our plans and set goals, but in the end it is God who is in control and decides how things develop. As you mention, it is important to entrust our works and plans to the Lord, trusting that He will carry them out successfully. It is understandable that at this time of year we evaluate our actions and achievements. But the most important thing is to learn from our mistakes and correct them, and above all, to fully trust God and follow His advice and teachings. By surrendering control of our lives to God, we can be sure that He will guide us on the right path. May the next year, 2024, be a year in which we allow God to take control of our lives and fully trust Him. May His wisdom and guidance accompany us in every step we take. Blessings to you, your family and friends in Christ. A fraternal hug!
Jorge charquero de Uruguay : I thank God for this page I have been receiving your messages for years, although Pastor Roberto was ahead of us a few years ago with his departure. You continue to keep his messages alive that are of edification and blessing. I have already been apart for 1 year after my Pastor Jorge left. Barrios it was difficult for me to put down roots again since our church ministry closed its doors today I feed myself with these messages nothing I send you a big hug and blessings to the entire congregation and hn@s who received your messages I am not one to write or comment but I felt the need to open up thank you
Dear Jorge Charquero from Uruguay, we appreciate your words and we are happy to know that you have been blessed through this page for years. We regret the departure of your Pastor Jorge Barrios and understand that it can be difficult to find a place to put down spiritual roots again. We are pleased to know that the messages shared here have been of edification and spiritual nourishment for you during this time. We appreciate you opening up and sharing your reflections with us. We know that each person has their own path and processes, and it is important to recognize and respect those times. We are happy to be part of your spiritual journey and to be able to provide you with messages that encourage and strengthen you. We hope you continue to find inspiration and growth through the messages shared on this page. May God bless you abundantly and give you direction in your search for spiritual community. Receive a big hug and our blessings for you and the entire congregation in Uruguay. We are here to support you on your spiritual walk!