God speaks today Wednesday | November 1, 2023

Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me. (Psalm 31:2)
But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
Charles Spurgeon

Wicked men will not bring our downfall

Despite the presence of wicked and evil people among us, we should not worry or argue with them. Instead, we should turn to the Lord who is faithful and will confirm and guard us. We can find joy in His faithful heart, mind, and love. We should rest in His protection and provision and pray for strength and guidance. This message comes from The Bank of Faith Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon. Read more...

Cross Reference

God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9)
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:18)
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. (John 17:15)


Rosario Escalante.: His promises are He: Yes and Amen. He will never fail us, we will be protected and safe, if we walk hand in hand with His commands.
Hello Rosario! Thanks for your comment. I love how you highlight God's faithfulness and how his promises are sure. As you mentioned, "His promises are He: Yes and Amen," that's wonderful. In Psalm 31:2 it says, "Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be a strong rock for me, a strength to save me." In this verse, the psalmist recognizes that only God can be his rock and strength, his safe place. It is comforting to know that we can fully trust Him. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon also highlights God's faithfulness. He mentions: "He will confirm us in such a way that wicked men will not cause our fall, and He will keep us in such a way that none of the evils that now beset us will really do us any harm." Spurgeon encourages us to seek refuge in God and trust in His faithfulness. The verse you mentioned from 2 Thessalonians 3:3 also reminds us that the Lord is faithful and will strengthen and protect us from the evil one. So, as you say, if we walk hand in hand with God and obey His commands, we can be sure that He will take care of us and guide us. Let us continue to trust in His faithfulness and maintain our communion with Him. God bless you!
Oscar Esteban González : I always read your paragraphs from the Bible every morning, which blesses and strengthens me.... Thank you very much brothers. Blessings!!
Hello Oscar Esteban! How beautiful to know that you take time every morning to read God's Word and that it blesses and strengthens you! It is wonderful how the Bible can be a source of encouragement and wisdom for our lives. As Charles Spurgeon mentioned in his devotional, "We have a faithful God. This is to be our joy." Finding comfort and strength in God's faithfulness is a beautiful thing. I encourage you to continue reading and meditating on the Word of God. In Psalm 119:105 it says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." The Word of God guides us and illuminates us in our daily walk. May these morning readings be a constant source of blessing for you. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you as you draw closer to Him through His Word. Abundant blessings to you too, brother!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : My faith and trust are in the GOD I serve. Hallelujah, amen.
Hello Enrique Meneses! How beautiful it is to see your faith and trust placed in God! As you mentioned, He is worthy of all our worship and praise. In Psalm 31:2, the psalmist cries, "Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be for me a strong rock, a strength to save me." This verse reminds us that our refuge and strength are found in God. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon also encourages us to seek the Lord, for He is faithful. He assures us that “no promise of His word will ever be broken” and that we can find joy in His faithfulness. It is inspiring to see how your faith and trust are firmly rooted in the God you serve. Continue to maintain your faith and trust in Him, because He is trustworthy and always ready to listen to us and rescue us. Hallelujah and amen! May God continue to strengthen and bless you in your walk with Him. Abundant blessings to you!
Carmen Magaly Joza: It is wonderful to know that our GOD is Good and that we can always count on HIM.
Hello Carmen Magaly! You are absolutely right, it is truly wonderful to know that our God is good and that we can always count on Him. In Psalm 31:2, the psalmist cries: "Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; Be for me a strong rock, a stronghold to save me." This verse reminds us that God is our safe rock, our refuge at all times. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon also highlights God's faithfulness. He encourages us to return to the Lord, because He is faithful and none of His promises will ever be broken. It is a blessing to know that we can trust in the goodness and faithfulness of our God. So yes, we can be sure that we can always count on God. He will never fail us and will always be there for us. Let us continue to trust in His goodness and keep our hope in Him. May God bless you abundantly, Carmen Magaly!
Holy: The Lord is faithful to his promises. He promised to take care of us, but we must see evil and turn away, we must not fall into the temptation of the evil one or play with his tricks. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment so that the truth is revealed to us in the face of man's evil. Our trust should ALWAYS be in the Lord. Let us trust more in your LOYALTY. The Lord bless you eternally.
Hello Holy! Thank you for your reflection. It is true, the Lord is faithful to his promises and we can fully trust in Him. As you mentioned, we must be cautious and turn away from evil, not fall into the temptations of the evil one and be alert to the wiles of the enemy. It is important to pray and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to discern the truth and not be deceived by the evil of man. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord and trust in his faithfulness. He assures us that God will protect us from the evils that beset us and no shadow of doubt should fall on our spirits. It is comforting to know that we can place our trust in the Lord and his faithfulness. So, as you say, our trust should always be in the Lord. Let us trust in his faithfulness and seek his guidance at all times. May the Lord bless you abundantly and continue to strengthen you in your walk with Him. Eternal blessings to you too!
Sabino Marroquín López.: My faith and my trust is in GOD, who will remove bad energies from me, and will give me good luck, to carry out the project to help those poor families to support their children, I trust in GOD, amen.
Hello Sabino Marroquín! It is beautiful to see your faith and trust placed in God. As you mentioned, He has the power to remove bad energies from us and bless us with good luck. It's wonderful that you have a project in mind to help poor families and provide support for their children. I trust that God will guide and strengthen you in that noble purpose. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon encourages us to seek the Lord and trust in his faithfulness. He assures us that God will confirm and preserve us, and that no evil can harm us. It is important to remember that when we trust in God, He enables and strengthens us to carry out the works He has placed in our hearts. So continue trusting in God and his guidance to carry out this project to help families in need. Trust that He will provide for you and give you wisdom with every step you take. Also remember to pray for those families and ask for divine provision for them. May the Lord richly bless you in your work and guide you with his love and wisdom. Amen!
Francisco Diaz S.: On a vacant mountain, bad weeds grow, some good weeds, there are vermin, there are snakes.- Let us make our heart a beautiful garden, where flowers and fruits grow and there are no weeds or vermin that harm us. Let us dedicate that garden to our heavenly Father. Let us sow for good, not for evil.
Hello Francisco Diaz! Your words are very accurate and full of wisdom. Just as you mention, bad weeds and vermin can grow on a vacant mountain, but we can make our heart a beautiful garden where virtues and good fruits flourish. It is a beautiful metaphor to describe how we should care for and cultivate our spiritual life. In line with your reflection, Charles Spurgeon encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord and trust in his faithfulness. He assures us that God will keep us and protect us from all evil. If we dedicate our hearts to our heavenly Father, sowing for good and cultivating virtues, we will see blessings flourish in our lives. Let us continue to try to have a clean heart full of love, dedicated to our heavenly Father. Let us cultivate virtues such as patience, kindness and compassion, and avoid sowing seeds of malice or selfishness. In this way, we can be instruments of blessing for ourselves and for those around us. May the Lord bless your desire to sow for good and strengthen you on your spiritual path. May your inner garden bloom with beautiful virtues! Abundant blessings to you!
Salvado de las aguas: The Lord always faithful and good and remains forever.
Hello Saved from the waters! You are absolutely right, the Lord is always faithful and good, and his goodness remains forever. It is a great comfort to know that we can trust in God's faithfulness at all times. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon also tells us about God's faithfulness. He encourages us to turn our eyes toward the Lord, because He is faithful and will fulfill the purpose of His grace toward us. In Him we find a safe refuge and can rest confidently. It is wonderful to know that God is always faithful, no matter what circumstances we face. His love and kindness accompany us at all times, and we can rest in that truth. May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in your faith, always reminding you of his enduring faithfulness. God is good and his love never fails!
Pablo: Trust in God despite fears and insecurities.
Hi, Pablo! It is very valuable to have trust in God even when we face fears and insecurities. Throughout life, we can all experience moments of fear and doubt, but it is in those moments that we can trust in the Lord even more. Charles Spurgeon, in his devotional, encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord and trust in his faithfulness. It assures us that God will confirm and preserve us, and that no evil can harm us. This includes our fears and insecurities. We can trust that God is bigger than any fear and that He will strengthen us to face them. If we are going through moments of fear or insecurity, it is important to remember that God is with us and that we can place our trust in Him. He will give us the strength and peace necessary to overcome our fears. May the Lord grant you deep trust in Him, despite your fears and insecurities. May you find comfort and security in Him. God bless you and sustain you at all times!
Saddie: Amen 🙏🏻
Amen, Saddie 🙏🏻. It is beautiful to see how your heart unites according to these words of trust in God. By lifting our voices in prayer and saying “amen,” we are expressing our full confidence that God hears our requests and is faithful to respond according to his perfect will. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord, trusting in his faithfulness. It is comforting to know that we are not alone and that we can place our burdens and worries in the loving hands of our Heavenly Father. May your "amen" be a sign of your faith and trust in God, recognizing that He is worthy of our worship and that He is attentive to our needs. May the Lord shower his blessings on you and give you the peace that only He can give. May your life be filled with the certainty of his faithfulness! Blessings to you, Saddie.
Nery: God is great, generous, loving with his children and never leaves us aside, we are the ones who leave him aside for the vain things of this world, we must always pray for each other so that God has mercy on humanity.
Hello Nery! You are absolutely right, God is truly great, generous and loving with his children. He never abandons us or leaves us aside, but we sometimes distance ourselves from Him due to the distractions and vanities of this world. It is important to remember the importance of prayer and interceding for each other. In his devotional, Charles Spurgeon encourages us to seek refuge in the Lord and trust in his faithfulness. One way to manifest our love for God and for others is through constant and fervent prayer. When we pray for each other, we are showing love, compassion, and desire for God's mercy to reach humanity. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us with the heart of God and allows us to be instruments of his love and reconciliation. Let us continue praying for each other, seeking the face of God and trusting in his faithfulness. May our prayers be an expression of our love and commitment to God and humanity. May the Lord pour out his mercy on us and on those for whom we pray. May God bless you abundantly, Nery! Thank you for sharing these very enriching reflections.
Maria: Thank you for the word of God. God continue to bless you greatly!
Hello Maria! Thank you for your words of gratitude. It is a privilege to be able to share the word of God and be instruments to bless others. We are glad to know that these reflections have been a blessing to you. God is faithful and his word never fails. It fills us with joy to know that through these words we can transmit his love, his truth and his transformative power. May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly in your spiritual life, in your relationships and in every area of ​​your life. May the word of God continue to be a source of encouragement, guidance and strength for you. May you experience his presence and his love in every moment. May God bless you and keep you always, Maria! Thank you for being part of this community of faith.