God speaks today Monday | October 30, 2023

Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 1:8)
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. (Romans 8:15)
Charles Spurgeon

Your worst enemy is in your own chest

We must have courage when fear takes hold of us, as cowardice can lead to sin. God is with those who are with Him, and will never be far away in times of need. Trust in God to provide for His servants, even in difficult circumstances. Remember the stories of Daniel and the three young saints, and their deliverance from danger. The worst enemy is within ourselves, but we can conquer fear by relying on God's help. Read more...

Cross Reference

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. (1 Corinthians 2:12)
And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrews 2:15)
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Joshua 1:5)


Wulfredo : Fear paralyzes, fear sows doubt. When I am weak Christ strengthens me he said - the weak - strong I am amen
Dear Wulfredo, Thank you for sharing your comment on Charles Spurgeon's devotional. It is true that fear can paralyze us and plant doubts in our hearts, but as you mentioned, when we are weak, Christ strengthens us. In Romans 8:15, we find a comforting promise: "For you have not received a spirit of bondage to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which we cry, 'Abba, Father! '"Those who trust God as their adopted children do not have to live in fear, but can find strength and security in Him. Spurgeon also encourages us not to fear when we face difficulties. In the devotional he mentions: "God is with the sincere, the righteous and the holy, to deliver them; and He will deliver you." These words remind us of God's promise to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:8: "Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the LORD. So, in moments of fear or trepidation, we can remember that our worst enemy may be within ourselves, but we have God, who encourages us to be brave and trust in His power. Let us pray and cry out to Him for help, remembering that He is always near and ready to strengthen us. May the grace of God accompany you and encourage you in your walk of faith. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Vicente Alfredo Palma Carvache: I have followed the devotional for many years, I like to follow what the Lord speaks to us daily through the brothers of León de Judá, blessings, dear ones, forward always, I am Ecuadorian but I live in Spain and I follow them every day
Dear Vicente Alfredo Palma Carvache, Thank you for sharing your experience and your appreciation for Charles Spurgeon's devotional. It is wonderful to know that you have been following the devotional for many years and that you find encouragement and guidance in the words that the Lord speaks to us through his servants. It is inspiring to see how the Word of God transcends borders and unites believers from different parts of the world. Although you are in Spain, your connection with the community of León de Judá and your dedication to following the devotional demonstrate a constant search for the word and will of God in your life. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you through daily devotions. May you find comfort, direction, and spiritual growth as you continue to follow and apply the teachings of God's Word in your daily life. Go ahead, dear brother! May the Lord guide you and bless you in your walk of faith. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Vilma Carmenza : Thank you very much, I read it every morning. Fear paralyzes us and makes us think ugly things. A hug
Dear Vilma Carmenza, Thank you for sharing your experience and your appreciation for the Charles Spurgeon devotional! It's wonderful to know that you read it every morning and find encouragement in its words. You are right when you say that fear can paralyze us and fill us with negative thoughts. However, Spurgeon reminds us in his devotional that we should not fear, for God is with us and will strengthen us. As he mentions: "Be afraid of being afraid. Be afraid of being afraid. Your worst enemy is in your own chest." It is in God where we find the strength to overcome our fears and trust in His power. May the daily devotional continue to be a source of inspiration and comfort to you each morning. May you find peace and confidence in the midst of any fear you may face, remembering that God is with you and always ready to hold your hand. A big hug and may the grace of God accompany you every step of your journey. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : My trust is in the LORD
Dear Enrique Meneses Muñoz, Thank you for sharing your trust in the LORD. It is beautiful and powerful to place our trust in Him, knowing that He is worthy of our full trust. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional we are reminded that God is with the sincere, the righteous, and the saints, to deliver them. In times of uncertainty or hardship, we can find refuge in the assurance that God is by our side, watching over us and guiding us every step of the way. May your trust in the LORD continue to strengthen every day. May you find comfort, peace, and direction as you fully trust in His love and power. Remember the psalmist's words in Psalm 62:8: "Trust in him, O people, at all times; pour out your heart before him; God is our refuge." May the grace of the LORD surround you and sustain you at all times. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Francisco Diaz S.: It is not about not being afraid or afraid, that is a natural condition; It is about overcoming fear and facing with our faith in God everything that threatens and distresses us.- In my faith is my strength.
Dear Francisco Díaz S., Thank you for sharing your perspective on fear and dread. You are right in saying that fear can be a natural condition in us. However, as you mentioned, it is about overcoming that fear and facing with faith in God everything that threatens and distresses us. In our faith we find strength and confidence to overcome any obstacle. In Charles Spurgeon's devotional we are encouraged not to fear, remembering that our worst enemy may be within ourselves. But thank God, we can find support and strength in Him. As Spurgeon mentions: "God is with the sincere, the righteous, and the holy, to deliver them; and He will deliver you." Our faith in God allows us to face fear with courage, knowing that He is with us at all times. May your faith in God continue to be your strength. May you find confidence and courage in Him to face every challenge, knowing that He is greater than any threat. Remember the words of the psalmist in Psalm 27:1: "The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom will I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life, of whom will I fear?" May the grace of God sustain you and strengthen you in your walk of faith. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Nerida Zurita: Thank you for sharing these biblical teachings. I read them continually, because they help me in my daily life, to not let myself be carried away by despair, not to let myself be paralyzed by fear, because Duos is our strength and refuge always, who will I fear?
Dear Nerida Zurita, Thank you for your words and for sharing how the biblical teachings you find in the devotional have been helpful to you in your daily life. It is wonderful to see how the Word of God and the reflections of Charles Spurgeon can have a positive impact on our spiritual walk. You are absolutely right to remind us that God is our strength and refuge at all times. In times of despair and fear, we can find comfort and security in Him. As you mentioned, "who shall I fear?" If God is with us, there is no reason to be afraid or despair. May you continue to find encouragement and guidance in biblical teachings and in the presence of God in your daily life. May His strength and protection accompany you every step you take, and may you find peace in the midst of any situation you face. May the grace of the Lord be abundant in your life! Blessings, [Facilitator]
Gladys Susana Nieva : Thank you for the devotional, I have read it for years and I share it so that God guides us in this walk towards Him. Many blessings from Chaco Argentina
Dear Gladys Susana Nieva, Thank you for sharing your gratitude for the devotional and for your consistency in reading it over the years! It is inspiring to see how these reflections have been a guide in your walk towards God. It is wonderful that you also share these teachings, allowing more people to be blessed by them. By sharing, you are extending God's grace and love to those around you. From Chaco, Argentina, I send you many blessings. May the devotional continue to be a source of inspiration and strength in your spiritual life. May God continue to guide you and keep you on your journey towards Him. May His love and peace be a constant reality in your life and in the lives of those around you. May the grace of God accompany you in every step you take! Blessings, [Facilitator]
Maria de Lourdes Jarrin: God's promises are gigantic. They are the ones that give total certainty in daily walking. If God is with us, no one can harm us. The light that we are illuminates the dark places wherever we go. We live, we are seated in the wonderful kingdom that Jesus Christ brought, kingdom of fullness. In Christ we have everything.
Dear María de Lourdes Jarrin, Thank you for sharing these powerful words about God's promises and the impact they have on our daily walk! It is true that God's promises are gigantic and provide us with absolute certainty in the midst of any circumstance. Your statement that if God is with us, no one can harm us reflects the confidence we have in His protection and care. And it is beautiful to remember that as children of God, we bring His light to places of darkness, bringing hope and testimony of His love and grace. It is comforting to know that in Christ we have everything we need. He brings us fullness and invites us to live in His wonderful kingdom. By focusing on Him, we find fulfillment and purpose in every area of ​​our lives. May you continue to experience the promises of God in your life in a tangible and powerful way. May His light shine through you, illuminating places wherever you go. May you find in Christ all the fullness and satisfaction you long for. May God's grace and blessing be with you always! Blessings, [Facilitator]
Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez : 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️ Thank you for this comforting and true Message that lifts your spirits to check your heart and gain strength in adversity. Blessings
Dear Martha Eugenia Caro Montañez, Thanks for your comment! I am very happy to know that the message has been comforting and has lifted your spirits. It is true that Charles Spurgeon's reflections invite us to examine our hearts and find strength in the midst of adversity. It is in those difficult moments where God strengthens us and encourages us to trust Him. As you mentioned, this message encourages us to review our hearts and find in God the strength we need to face any challenge. May God's blessings accompany you in every step you take. May His grace sustain you in times of adversity and may you find comfort and strength in His constant presence. May the encouragement and peace of God be a reality in your life! Blessings, [Facilitator]
GRACE Rodríguez : My trust is in GOD, my Lord and my Savior, HE be everything to me and I believe in His Word and His promises. They are yes. Yeah. Amen 🙏. For me, I know when. I tell him LORD, YOU are with me and with your hand I want to cross the street, EL. Clear. The traffic, how he opened the Red Sea and I thank him for being with me, for being my Husband. As it says in His Word, and I take Him at His Word and as a single woman. Yes HE is. And so many promises that are true because HE IS THE TRUE ONE. GOD. JEHOVAH. Of ARMIES, Etc.
Dear Grace Rodríguez, Thank you for sharing your deep trust in God, your Lord and Savior. It is inspiring to see how you believe in His Word and His promises. It is true, when we approach God in faith and ask Him to be with us every step we take, He is willing to open paths and clear obstacles, just as He parted the Red Sea in times past. It is beautiful to see how you recognize God as your husband and how you take His Word as a personal promise in your life. In times of loneliness or difficulty, you can find comfort in the truth that God is with you and keeps His promises. God reveals Himself through many names and titles in the Bible, and each of them shows us different aspects of His nature and power. As you mention, He is the true God, Jehovah of Hosts. May this trust in God continue to strengthen you and guide you in every area of ​​your life. May His presence be tangible and may His promises be fulfilled in your daily walk. May you find in Him everything you need and may you experience the love and faithfulness that come from His character. May the peace and blessings of God surround you always! Blessings, [Facilitator]
GRACE Rodríguez : Than ALL THAT. I take it for my life, Many. blessings . Shalon. Amen 🙏
Dear Grace Rodríguez, I'm glad to know that you take all those words and promises into your life. It is a beautiful and wise attitude, since the Word of God is living and powerful, and has the power to transform our lives when we apply it and believe it. May you continue to experience God's blessings and peace in every area of ​​your life. May His presence guide you and sustain you at all times. May His love and grace surround you and strengthen you in your daily walk. Shalom and amen, may the peace of God be with you always. Blessings, [Facilitator]
Patricia Pinzón: A special greeting and my most sincere thanks to all the members of GOD Speaks Today, readers, brothers in faith. In this beautiful teaching our Creator knows that as human beings in our flesh nature we feel fear but that through all His Word he teaches and strengthens us not to be afraid if we trust HIM, because He, being ALMIGHTY, is always with us, we are His children. , soldiers of His Victorious army. We must only FEAR the LORD (love, respect, obey, believe, follow, venerate, exalt, give glory and honor). Blessings and my prayers for all those who are in chains of fear and oppressed by the enemy, so that they know and experience freedom, peace and Salvation in the love of CHRIST JESUS!
Dear Patricia Pinzón, Special greetings and thanks to you too, as well as all the members of God Speaks Today! It is beautiful to see how you recognize the importance of trusting our Creator and His Word to overcome the fear that we as human beings can experience. Indeed, throughout the entire Bible, God teaches and strengthens us not to be afraid, reminding us that He, being almighty, is always with us. As His children and soldiers of His victorious army, we can trust Him to guide and protect us through any adversity. It is significant that you mention that we should fear the Lord, that is, love Him, respect Him, obey Him, believe in Him, follow Him, venerate Him, exalt Him and give Him all the glory and honor. By surrendering to His lordship, we find freedom and peace, and experience the salvation and love of Christ Jesus. May your prayers for those who are trapped by fear and oppressed by the enemy be heard. May they too know and experience the freedom, peace and salvation found in the love of Christ Jesus. May your lives be transformed by His power and grace. Abundant blessings to you and to all the members of God speaks today. May they continue to be instruments of blessing in faith and in the dissemination of the Word of God. In love and prayer, [Facilitator]