Your worst enemy is in your own chest

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

SUMMARY: We must have courage when fear takes hold of us, as cowardice can lead to sin. God is with those who are with Him, and will never be far away in times of need. Trust in God to provide for His servants, even in difficult circumstances. Remember the stories of Daniel and the three young saints, and their deliverance from danger. The worst enemy is within ourselves, but we can conquer fear by relying on God's help.

Whenever fear takes hold of us and makes us hesitate, we are in danger of falling into sin. Presumption is to be feared but we must also fear cowardice. "Dare to be a Daniel". Our great Captain is to be served by brave soldiers.

What reason is this for us to have courage. God is with those who are with Him. God will never be far away when the hour of the fight comes. Is someone threatening you? Who are you that you are afraid of a man who will die? Will you lose your condition? Your God whom you serve will find bread and water for His servants. Can't you trust Him? Does someone cover you as ridiculous? Will this break your bones or your heart? Bear it for Christ and even rejoice over it.

God is with the sincere, the just and the holy, to deliver them; and He will deliver you. Remember how Daniel came out of the lion's den, and how the three young saints came out of the furnace. Your case is not as desperate as theirs; But if it were, the Lord will support you at all times and will make you more than a conqueror. Be afraid of being afraid. Be afraid of being afraid. Your worst enemy is in your own chest. Drop to your knees and cry out for help and then get up saying, "I will make sure and I will not fear."

Source: The Bank of Faith Checkbook. Translation by Allan Roman.

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