God speaks today Monday | October 2, 2023
And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after their covetousness.
(Ezekiel 33:31)Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.
(John 6:26) In love with the loaves and fishes
The attitude of not feeling entitled to anything from God and owing everything to Him is important in this time where some preach that God exists to please us and give us the best life possible. Many come to church looking for profit and blessings, promoting a superficial and selfish mentality. The Bible promotes an attitude of gratitude and service to God, recognizing that we don't deserve anything and owe everything to Him. We must cultivate an attitude of total surrender to God's will and recognize that He has the right to do whatever He wants with our lives.
Cross Reference
Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
(Isaiah 29:13)Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues.
(Psalm 78:36)He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.
(Matthew 13:22)Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
(James 4:3)Comments: