God speaks today Monday | August 7, 2023

And it came to pass, when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his clothes, and said, Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me to recover a man of his leprosy? wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a quarrel against me. (2 Kings 5:7)
Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me. (Matthew 17:17)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

How do we react in times of pressure?

Many people in the Church use leadership patterns that do not align with the humility and servant leadership exemplified by Jesus. The story of the king of Israel and Elisha illustrates a contrast between those who do not know the power of God and those who do. When trials and difficulties come, those who do not know the power of God tend to despair and collapse, while those who do know the power of God see it as an opportunity for God to manifest His power. The Church of Jesus Christ is called to offer a positive alternative to secular authorities and governments, and we should strive to be part of a powerful Church that knows how to access the supernatural power of God. Read more...

Cross Reference

The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up. (1 Samuel 2:6)
Then the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and said, Mark, I pray you, and see how this man seeketh mischief: for he sent unto me for my wives, and for my children, and for my silver, and for my gold; and I denied him not. (1 Kings 20:7)
And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? (Genesis 30:2)
See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. (Deuteronomy 32:39)


Enrique Meneses Muñoz : I need to understand that the LORD is in full control. Amen.
Amen, brother Enrique. True, we need to always remember that the Lord is in control of all situations. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, sometimes we despair and anguish in the face of life's trials and difficulties, but it is important to trust that God has the power to intervene and show us his great power. One part of the Bible that reminds us of this is when the king of Israel reacts in despair to the letter from the king of Syria. The king tears his clothes and laments, but Elisha, a man of faith and knowledgeable of God's power, tells him: "Why do you despair? Let him come to me and I will show that king that there is an Almighty God." (2 Kings 5:7). Just like Elisha, we must trust that our God is powerful and that he can work in our lives. Even when we face moments of pressure or difficulties, we must remember that God is in control and can work miracles in our lives. Let us continue to trust him and seek his presence, so that we can live in his power and authority. May the Lord bless you, brother.
Francisco Diaz S.: If we truly believe in God and love and serve him and with absolute faith we hope, then God will always be with us.- Let us not be confused or depressed by the moral decadence of the world, Jesus Christ is coming now!
Amen, brother Francisco. You are absolutely right, if we truly believe in God, love Him and serve Him with absolute faith, we can trust that He will always be with us. As Dr. Roberto Miranda's devotional mentions, in times of pressure and difficulties, we should not get confused or depressed, but rather remember that Jesus Christ is coming and that we hope for his return. In the Bible, Jesus himself reminds us that despite the trials and tribulations of the world, we must be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Our faith in God gives us the assurance that He is with us in the midst of any circumstance. No matter what moral decline we see around us, we must keep our faith in God and live a life according to his principles. We have hope that Jesus Christ will return and make all things new. Let us continue to trust in the Lord and keep our hope in his coming. He is always with us and strengthens us in times of difficulty. May the Lord bless you, brother Francisco.
Sabino Marroquín López.: I have faith, I believe and trust in God, although I do not see him: my mind and my heart are inclined to the Lord, because I study the Bible, which is: the map of the path that God gives me to know him and reach him amen.
Amen, brother Sabino. It's wonderful to hear that you have faith, believe and trust in God, even if you don't see him physically. As you mention, our minds and hearts must be inclined to the Lord, and studying the Bible is an excellent way to get to know Him and follow the path He has laid out for us. The Word of God, the Bible, is like a map that guides us in our relationship with God. Through it, we can know his character, his promises and his commandments. It is an invaluable treasure that reveals God's will to us and helps us grow in our faith. In the Bible, we find the following verse that supports what you share: "Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed" (John 20:29). Even if we don't see God physically, we can have genuine and deep faith in him, based on his words and his work in our lives. Keep studying the Bible and seeking God with all your heart. Continue to trust Him and let His Word guide you in your walk. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in your faith. Amen!
Víctor Hugo Cadette.: We are in a time where we have to believe in our God, where we have to embrace the principles of our God. Where we have to believe what his word says, God must not be understood, God must be obeyed. God. T.B
Amen, brother Victor Hugo. We are living in times in which it is crucial to believe in our God and embrace his principles. As you well mention, it is not just about understanding God, but about obeying him. The Bible teaches us that obedience to God is a sign of our love for Him (John 14:15). Believing in what his Word says and living according to his teachings is the best way to honor and glorify our God. It is important to remember that God has given us his Word as a guide for our lives. In it we find principles that lead us towards a full life and in communion with Him. Faith is manifested in obedience to his commandments and trusting in his promises. Let us continue to believe in our God and embrace his principles in the midst of this world. Let us obey His Word and trust that He will guide and strengthen us in every step we take. May the Lord bless you, brother Victor Hugo.
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : When we are presented with difficult moments to battle, a question that I would ask at this time, face and the Lord taught us with spiritual tools, faith and prayer, without fear because victory is yours with the help of the Lord, if you God's support does not despair because he is confident and has given him power to overcome. Blessings
Amen, brother Gustavo. It is true, when we face difficult times and battle, it is important to remember the Lord's teachings and use the spiritual tools He has given us. Faith and prayer are powerful resources that help us face adversity with confidence and without fear. In the Bible, we find promises that assure us of victory with the help of the Lord. A verse that supports this is Philippians 4:13, which says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." With God's help, we don't have to despair, but we can trust in his support and in the power he has given us to overcome. May the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you in your faith. Let us continue to trust Him, knowing that with His help we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. Blessings!