How do we react in times of pressure?

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Many people in the Church use leadership patterns that do not align with the humility and servant leadership exemplified by Jesus. The story of the king of Israel and Elisha illustrates a contrast between those who do not know the power of God and those who do. When trials and difficulties come, those who do not know the power of God tend to despair and collapse, while those who do know the power of God see it as an opportunity for God to manifest His power. The Church of Jesus Christ is called to offer a positive alternative to secular authorities and governments, and we should strive to be part of a powerful Church that knows how to access the supernatural power of God.

Naaman and Elisha (2 Kings 5)

In this series about the king of Syria and the prophet Elisha, Dr. Miranda explains that God not only wants to address your needs, but also work on your personality.

1 A sovereign God who has mysterious purposes

2 God uses tribulations to prepare scenes of great beauty

3 We must bear witness to our God anywhere

4 Let's be diligent in our life

5 We cannot import the patterns of the secular world into the Christian world

6 In the Kingdom of God there is power but that power is unleashed through humility

7 How do we react in times of pressure?

8 A treatment for pride

Many people serve God using leadership and command patterns that are not suitable for the leadership that Christ exemplifies.

We see Jesus that He becomes a servant, as He did with the towel and the basin of water, showing the disciples that in the Kingdom of God it is not like in the world, where those who have power like the king of Syria rule over the who are under his command but serve as humility, with simplicity of heart, not oppressively and this is what truly makes them similar to the Son of God who served others and symbolically washed the feet of those He served.

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