God speaks today Sunday | July 30, 2023

All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. (Psalm 22:27)
That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; (Colossians 2:2)
Milagros García Klibansky

Taking care of the competition

The church should not be a competition for the family, and it is important for church leaders to connect with families to ensure that they are not neglecting their family role. Many churches do too much with programs and activities, which can overwhelm families and cause complaints. The biblical church was familiar and held meetings around a table where food was shared, and everyone participated in discussions. The quality of life in the home will determine the quality of life in the church, and the church should guide and encourage families to share together and educate from a biblical basis. Programs are not bad, but they should be put to prayer and should edify families, not serve personal vanity. Read more...

Cross Reference

Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that he might know your estate, and comfort your hearts; (Colossians 4:8)
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. (Psalm 2:8)
All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. (Psalm 86:9)
And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. (Colossians 3:14)


Heidy : excellent bible commentary
Thank you Heidy! I'm glad you found the Bible commentary excellent. The text by Milagros García Klibansky invites us to reflect on the importance of caring for the competition between the church and the family. According to her, the church should not become a competition for the family, but should be connected and committed to the families that comprise it. In Psalm 22:27, we are told how all the families of the nations will worship the Lord. This shows us the importance of worship and family union in the search for God. In Colossians 2:2, we are encouraged to be united in love and come to a true knowledge of Christ. I hope this biblical commentary has been helpful to you. If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to ask. Blessings!
Sabino Marroquín López.: Studying the Bible: we know GOD and we know that He exists, that He sent His beloved and only son: to preach the word as a child, suffer, be persecuted, and die crucified, to give us salvation and for the world to know GOD and we believe in the amen.
Amen, Sabino Marroquín López. It is true, by studying the Bible we can know God and recognize his love for us by sending his Son Jesus to preach the word, suffer, be persecuted and die on the cross for our salvation. Through Jesus, we can know God and believe in him. The Word of God reveals his plan of redemption to us and invites us to trust and believe in him. Thanks for sharing your reflection. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to ask. God bless you!
Sabino Marroquín López.: I ask GOD to give me his hand, to keep bad energies away from me, so that I can carry out my projects; to help poor families, so that their children do not go to perdition and end up in jail, amen.
Sabino Marroquín López, it is beautiful to see how you want God to guide you and protect you in your projects. It is important to seek God's help and direction in everything we undertake. If your desire is to help poor families and care for those most in need, I encourage you to continue with that noble mission. In Milagros García Klibansky's devotional, the importance of caring for and strengthening families is emphasized. By coming together in love and seeking a true knowledge of Christ, we can have a positive impact on the lives of those around us. Remember that prayer is a powerful tool to connect with God. We can ask him to guide us and help us to carry out our good works, such as helping poor families. We can also pray for the protection of children and for their well-being. May God bless you on your way and give you the wisdom and support you need to carry out your projects. If you have any further questions or comments, I'll be here to help. God be with you in your work!
Francisco Diaz S.: A healthy society is based on the good training and education of families.- When good training in families fails, the entire society fails
You are absolutely right, Francisco Díaz S. The formation and education of families play a fundamental role in the construction of a healthy and balanced society. When families care about instilling values, teaching ethical principles and promoting love and respect, an environment conducive to the development of upright individuals committed to the well-being of society in general is created. Milagros García Klibansky's devotional also highlights the importance of the family in the life of the church. He invites us for the church to connect with families and help them establish a solid biblical foundation for their education and spiritual growth. It is necessary that as a society we value and support the importance of family training and education. When this fails, it is reflected in various aspects of society. Therefore, it is essential to promote and strengthen the institution of the family as a fundamental pillar of a healthy society. Thanks for sharing your comment. If you have any further thoughts or questions, feel free to ask. Blessings!
Francisco : Excellent, it cannot be explained better. Thank you, Sr. Klibansky, sadly this is what we have today in the congregations, women working all day in what they call "talent" and do not have the opportunity to learn by listening to the word of the Gospel, groups of Praise who work all the services in addition to having to attend to their home, family and secular work; which you already mentioned, it seems to me that it is the responsibility of the Pastors and leaders who focus more on the efforts and economics of the pastorate and not on feeding the people. Thank you and many Blessings!
Thank you, Francisco, for your appreciation. It is true that in many congregations today we can observe a dynamic where people are busy with different activities and responsibilities, which can make it difficult to find time to learn and listen to the Word of the Gospel fully. As Milagros García Klibansky mentions in her devotional, it is important that churches connect with families and provide a space for them to receive solid teaching based on the Word of God. Pastors and leaders have a crucial responsibility to spiritually nurture their congregation and watch over their spiritual well-being. It is essential that we be aware of the importance of balancing our activities and priorities, always trying to put God and his Word at the center of our lives. It is a call to seek a balanced life where we are capable of fulfilling our family, work, and ministerial responsibilities, without neglecting our relationship with God. Thank you for your reflection and for sharing your thoughts. May God bless you and guide you in your spiritual walk. If you have any further questions or comments, I'll be here to help. Blessings!
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : Today the family is being destroyed because love, respect, and unity have been lost and they have to leave to find a livelihood because both have to work, only the church can restore that family society through the word of God because the word brings that family bond like this is the only way they can close the wounds. Blessings
Hi Gustavo Martinez Afanador! You are absolutely right to point out that in today's society many families have lost fundamental values ​​such as love, respect and unity. The need to look for sustenance and the lack of time can affect family dynamics and weaken the ties that unite us. In her devotional, Milagros García Klibansky reminds us of the importance of the church becoming a place where families find support and restoration. Through the Word of God, which brings with it teachings of love, forgiveness and reconciliation, the church can be a means to heal wounds and strengthen family ties. It is critical that both society and the church recognize the importance of the family and work together to restore and strengthen it. The Word of God provides us with principles and guidelines to live in harmony and cultivate healthy relationships in the family environment. Thank you for your reflection and for sharing your thoughts. May God bless you and guide you on the path of family restoration. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to ask. God be with you on your walk!
Fernando Valenzuela P: Joy and hope in each of the verses that they share with us daily, which provide that voice of encouragement to persevere in the ways of Jehovah God.
Hello Fernando Valenzuela P! We are glad to know that you find joy and hope in the verses that are shared daily. The Word of God is an inexhaustible source of encouragement and strength to persevere in our ways with him. As Milagros García Klibansky mentions in her devotional, it is important to remember that the work has already been done by Christ. We must not worry about our own works, but embrace Jesus and trust in his redemptive work. When we lean on God's Word, we find comfort, guidance, and motivation to move forward in our Christian life. It brings us hope and encourages us to persevere in the ways of Jehovah God. Thank you for sharing your comment and for finding inspiration in the verses that are shared daily. May joy and hope in the Lord always accompany you in your walk with him. If you have any further questions or comments, I'll be here to help. Blessings!