Taking care of the competition

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The church should not be a competition for the family, and it is important for church leaders to connect with families to ensure that they are not neglecting their family role. Many churches do too much with programs and activities, which can overwhelm families and cause complaints. The biblical church was familiar and held meetings around a table where food was shared, and everyone participated in discussions. The quality of life in the home will determine the quality of life in the church, and the church should guide and encourage families to share together and educate from a biblical basis. Programs are not bad, but they should be put to prayer and should edify families, not serve personal vanity.

Seeing many Christians working tirelessly for the church is common in our day. Many still think, despite knowing what the scriptures say about this, that working until exhaustion pleases God, when He tells us in his word not to worry , because nothing of the What man does can save him and give him the guarantee for eternal life. In that sense, everything was done, Christ did the work, there is nothing else to do but embrace him.

However, many people, justifying themselves with the great work they have to do for God, stop doing what they have to do in their family role and the church cannot be on the sidelines of this, it must connect with the families that make it up in a that situations of this type can be detected and solved in time, before the disaster.

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