God speaks today Thursday | July 6, 2023

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. (Hebrews 12:11)
Dr. Roberto Miranda

Faith and the complex ways of God

God's move in our lives can be subtle and complex, making it difficult to discern. We may have to exercise faith even when it seems like God hasn't heard our prayers or the answer is different than expected. Patience, perseverance, and trust in God's sovereignty are important. We must not hold onto simplistic views of faith, but instead rely on the principles of the Word of God to navigate difficult situations. Read more...

Cross Reference

O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. (Psalm 92:5)
Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Psalm 40:5)
Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein. (Hosea 14:9)
Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the LORD is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal? (Ezekiel 18:29)


Víctor Cadette : Thank you brothers for always sending me the word of God, We are brothers in Christ as the scriptures say in He.17:26 And from one blood he has made the whole lineage of men, so that they may dwell on the whole face of the earth; and he has fixed the order of the times, and the limits of his room. Thanks again for the messages God. T.B
Hello Victor! Thank you for your comment and for sharing that verse from Hebrews 17:26. It is beautiful to remember that we are brothers in Christ and that God has created all humanity. It is important to keep in mind that sometimes God's move in our lives may not be clear or understandable to the naked eye. As Dr. Roberto Miranda tells us in his devotional, "Many times, God's move in our lives manifests itself in very subtle and long-term ways," and that can cause confusion. But, as the verse of Isaiah 55:8 also teaches us, God has different ways and thoughts than ours. Even if we don't always understand what God is doing, we must remember that He is sovereign and faithful. Let's stand firm in our faith and trust that God has a purpose for every situation we face. May God bless you in your walk with Him!
Francisco Diaz S.: Dr. Miranda invites us to be patient, persevering and remain firm in faith.- Sometimes our difficulties and problems derive from our bad actions.- Let us walk with the Lord and we will be blessed
Hello Francisco! Thanks for your comment. It is true, Dr. Miranda encourages us to be patient, persevering and to remain firm in our faith, even in the midst of the difficulties and problems we face. Sometimes our difficulties can be the result of our own actions, but we must remember that God always offers us his forgiveness and grace to correct our ways. As Dr. Miranda mentions, "God moves in many subtle ways in the human realm," and even if we don't always understand His purposes, we can trust that He will bless us when we walk with Him. Let's keep trusting in the Lord and seeking His direction in all circumstances of our life. May God bless you abundantly!
Hello Yadira! Thanks for your comment. It is wonderful to recognize that through his Word, God speaks to us and guides us in our lives. As Dr. Miranda mentions, sometimes God's move can be subtle and complex, but we can trust that He is always present and has a purpose for us. Let us remain attentive to his voice through reading and meditating on the Word, and let us continue to seek his direction and will at all times. May God continue to speak and bless your life abundantly! Amen.
Gustavo Martinez Afanador : To start every good spiritual work, the Christian must prepare himself with faith and prayer for God's response, sometimes it does not coincide with ours and God's purpose that is always his will and we must accept the result, not stop praying and trust, because He has the best answer, which damages our Spiritual life, because he loves us and does not want to see his son suffer. Blessings
Hello Gustavo! Thanks for your reflection. You are absolutely right, as Christians we must prepare ourselves with faith and prayer for any work we undertake. Sometimes our expectations may not coincide with God's plans and purposes, but it is important to remember that He always has the best answer for our lives. Although it may be difficult, we should not stop praying and trusting in Him, knowing that He loves us and desires our spiritual well-being. Let's keep our faith firm and accept the results according to God's will, trusting that He has a greater purpose in every situation. May God bless you abundantly in your spiritual walk!
Enrique Meneses Muñoz : My LORD will give me the strength to stand firm in my prayers. Hallelujah.
Hello, Enrique! Amen to your words. It is wonderful to know that our Lord will give us the strength to remain steadfast in our prayers. As Dr. Miranda mentions, sometimes it can seem that God has not heard our prayers or that he has remained indifferent, but we must continue to exercise faith and trust that He is sovereign and loves us. In times of difficulty, it is important to hold on to the strength that God gives us and persevere in prayer. May your faith grow stronger each day and may you experience the blessing of maintaining a close relationship with the Lord through prayer. Hallelujah! May God bless you abundantly.