King James Version
As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.(Isaiah 31:5)
Turn ye unto him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.(Isaiah 31:6)
For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have made unto you for a sin.(Isaiah 31:7)
Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him: but he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall be discomfited.
And he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear, and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign, saith the LORD, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.(Isaiah 31:9)
Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment.(Isaiah 32:1)
And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.(Isaiah 32:2)

Other publications related to "Isaiah 31:8":

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Omar Soto
On eagle's wings
A discussion on Isaiah 40 and the importance of recognizing our smallness before God and trusting in His power and love.

Charles Spurgeon
The Lord is able to stop all the enemies of His people
Article about how the Lord is able to stop all the enemies of His people and how we should trust in Him and not fear until the enemy actually comes.

Isaías Rivera
Where does my help come from?
Where does my help come from? - An article about finding strength in God during difficult times by Isaías Rivera

Dr. Roberto Miranda
God is not done dealing with the leaders of our nations
God is not done dealing with the leaders of our nations. The Church is being called to speak to the instinctive fear of God that is still present in our rulers and nations, and use it to call them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Zachariah 9:9
The prophet Zechariah speaks of a coming Messiah who will bring salvation and peace to the people of Israel.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
When the forces are lacking
Article discussing how Christians can trust in God during times of spiritual battles and weakness.

Isaiah 31:8 - Cross Reference

Therefore shall the Lord, the Lord of hosts, send among his fat ones leanness; and under his glory he shall kindle a burning like the burning of a fire. (Isaiah 10:16)
Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: (Isaiah 30:27)
Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly. (Isaiah 29:5)
And the LORD sent an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valor, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land. And when he was come into the house of his god, they that came forth of his own bowels slew him there with the sword. (2 Chronicles 32:21)
For I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake. (Isaiah 37:35)
For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake. (2 Kings 19:34)
And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute. (Genesis 49:15)
Wherefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks. (Isaiah 10:12)
Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. (Isaiah 37:7)
But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the LORD their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by horsemen. (Hosea 1:7)
Behold, the Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall lop the bough with terror: and the high ones of stature shall be hewn down, and the haughty shall be humbled. (Isaiah 10:33)
That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. (Isaiah 14:25)