King James Version
Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.(Psalm 73:25)
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.(Psalm 73:26)
For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.(Psalm 73:27)
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.
O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?(Psalm 74:1)
Remember thy congregation, which thou hast purchased of old; the rod of thine inheritance, which thou hast redeemed; this mount Zion, wherein thou hast dwelt.(Psalm 74:2)
Lift up thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.(Psalm 74:3)

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My god is holy
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Samuel Acevedo
My God, why have you forsaken me?
The article discusses the concept of divine discomfort and how to deal with feeling abandoned by God. It emphasizes the importance of sending prayers and being attentive to signs from God amidst difficult situations.

Isaías Rivera
Where does my help come from?
Where does my help come from? - An article about finding strength in God during difficult times by Isaías Rivera

Samuel Acevedo
You will seek me and you will find me
The article discusses the importance of seeking God in difficult situations and having a personal relationship with Him to awaken His plans and purposes for us.

Samuel Acevedo
Love without barriers?
The author reflects on the human condition of being a people with unclean lips and how difficult it is to trust in love due to past betrayals. They offer insights on how to love God without limit or restraint and how to surrender ourselves fully to Him.

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
My God is hope
A reflection on finding hope in Gods timing and putting our trust in His word.

Charles Spurgeon
I will not abandon you, nor will I leave you
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Charles Spurgeon
The consolations of the Lord
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Psalm 73:28 - Cross Reference

Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. (Psalm 40:5)
Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, (Hebrews 10:19)
I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD. (Psalm 118:17)
My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt. (Psalm 71:24)
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. (James 4:8)
Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul. (Psalm 66:16)
Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge. (Psalm 14:6)
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. (Psalm 71:17)
Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple. (Psalm 65:4)
And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing. (Psalm 107:22)
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. (Lamentations 3:25)
And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! (Luke 15:17)
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. (Psalm 84:10)
Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. (Psalm 116:7)
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: (1 Peter 3:18)