King James Version
For thou, O God, hast heard my vows: thou hast given me the heritage of those that fear thy name.(Psalm 61:5)
Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years as many generations.(Psalm 61:6)
He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him.(Psalm 61:7)
So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my vows.
Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation.(Psalm 62:1)
He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.(Psalm 62:2)
How long will ye imagine mischief against a man? ye shall be slain all of you: as a bowing wall shall ye be, and as a tottering fence.(Psalm 62:3)

Other publications related to "Psalm 61:8":

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Wait patiently for the Lord
An article about Jobs declaration of faith and perseverance through suffering, and the blessings that come from waiting patiently for the Lord.

Charles Spurgeon
I will not abandon you, nor will I leave you
A reflection on Davids words and the Lords past mercies, encouraging readers to have confidence and courage in times of trouble.

Nancy G. Marquez
Satisfied in God
Explore Nancy G. Marquezs article on finding satisfaction in God and Davids prayer for protection and righteousness.

Milagros García Klibansky
My god is holy
An article about the authors reflections on Psalm 89 and the overwhelming holiness of God.

Psalm 61:8 - Cross Reference

I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel. (Psalm 71:22)
To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever. (Psalm 30:12)
I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. (Psalm 145:1)
I will go into thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay thee my vows, (Psalm 66:13)
Praise waiteth for thee, O God, in Sion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed. (Psalm 65:1)
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations. (Psalm 79:13)
While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God while I have any being. (Psalm 146:2)