King James Version
Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight by the revenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed.(Psalm 79:10)
Let the sighing of the prisoner come before thee; according to the greatness of thy power preserve thou those that are appointed to die;(Psalm 79:11)
And render unto our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, wherewith they have reproached thee, O Lord.(Psalm 79:12)
So we thy people and sheep of thy pasture will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all generations.
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.(Psalm 80:1)
Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh stir up thy strength, and come and save us.(Psalm 80:2)
Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.(Psalm 80:3)

Other publications related to "Psalm 79:13":

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A summary of Isaiah Chapter 40, emphasizing the importance of comforting Gods people, preparing for the Lord, and having faith and hope in His wisdom and power.

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Where does my help come from?
Where does my help come from? - An article about finding strength in God during difficult times by Isaías Rivera

Psalm 79:13 - Cross Reference

For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice, (Psalm 95:7)
This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise. (Isaiah 43:21)
One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)
I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever. (Psalm 45:17)
Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O LORD, and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name. (Psalm 74:18)
In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah. (Psalm 44:8)
O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture? (Psalm 74:1)
Arise, O God, plead thine own cause: remember how the foolish man reproacheth thee daily. (Psalm 74:22)
Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. (Psalm 100:3)