Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana
Ahora pues, levántate, oh SEÑOR Dios, hacia Tu reposo, Tú y el arca de Tu poder; que Tus sacerdotes, oh SEÑOR Dios, se revistan de salvación y Tus santos se regocijen en lo que es bueno. (2 Chronicles 6:41)
Oh SEÑOR Dios, no rechaces el rostro de Tu ungido; acuérdate de Tus misericordias para con Tu siervo David." (2 Chronicles 6:42)
Cuando Salomón terminó de orar, descendió fuego desde el cielo y consumió el holocausto y los sacrificios, y la gloria del SEÑOR llenó la casa (el templo). (2 Chronicles 7:1)
Los sacerdotes no podían entrar en la casa del SEÑOR, porque la gloria del SEÑOR llenaba la casa del SEÑOR.
Y todos los Israelitas, viendo descender el fuego y la gloria del SEÑOR sobre la casa, se postraron rostro en tierra sobre el pavimento y adoraron y alabaron al SEÑOR, diciendo: "Ciertamente El es bueno; ciertamente Su misericordia es para siempre." (2 Chronicles 7:3)
Entonces el rey y todo el pueblo ofrecieron sacrificio delante del SEÑOR. (2 Chronicles 7:4)
Y el rey Salomón ofreció un sacrificio de 22,000 bueyes y 120,000 ovejas. Así dedicaron la casa de Dios, el rey y todo el pueblo. (2 Chronicles 7:5)

Other publications related to "2 Chronicles 7:2":

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When the glory of the Lord enters your house
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
Generosity and gratitude
The author emphasizes the importance of generosity and gratitude in the fulfilling of the great commission and the growth of the church, reflecting on the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon their congregation and the importance of giving thanks to the Lord for these blessings. The article discusses the tradition of offering sacrifices and offerings to the Lord, as well as the need for forgiveness and commitment to a life of holiness and obedience to God.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Don't settle for less than the best
The author discusses the importance of seeking Gods presence and unleashing His power through worship, adoration, and consecration. Using the story of David and the Ark, the author emphasizes the need for a hunger for Gods glory and the importance of consecrating oneself to Him.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
The value of generosity and gratitude
Explore the value of generosity and gratitude in worship and offering through the example of David in First Chronicles 16.

Juan Carlos Alzamora
God gave you space, now give God space
The importance of pursuing Gods glory, holiness, and presence is emphasized in this article, along with the need for humility, obedience, and hunger for God. The author also talks about how revivals in the past started with humble families and individuals who knew how to pray and sing hymns, encouraging the congregation to give God space and time.

Gilberto Samano
God - answer with fire!
A message about the story of Elijah challenging the people of Israel to choose between following God or the false god Baal, and the importance of making a decision to follow God and seeking a genuine relationship with Him. The speaker also emphasizes the dangers of rebellion and empty religious ceremonies, and encourages listeners to seek deliverance and healing through Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Roberto Miranda
I will not offer a sacrifice that costs me nothing
The article reflects on the importance of sacrifice and integrity in spiritual matters, using the story of David to highlight the consequences of sin and the need to unite matter with spirit. The speaker also emphasizes the significance of the holy land and building where their church is located, calling on their congregation to offer significant sacrifices and offerings to fulfill Gods purpose for their church.

2 Chronicles 7:2 - Cross Reference

El templo se llenó del humo de la gloria de Dios y de Su poder. Nadie podía entrar al templo hasta que se terminaran las siete plagas de los siete ángeles. (Revelation 15:8)
A los ojos de los Israelitas la apariencia de la gloria del SEÑOR era como un fuego consumidor sobre la cumbre del monte. (Exodus 24:17)
Entonces dije: "¡Ay de mí! Porque perdido estoy, Pues soy hombre de labios inmundos Y en medio de un pueblo de labios inmundos habito, Porque mis ojos han visto al Rey, el SEÑOR de los ejércitos." (Isaiah 6:5)
y los sacerdotes no pudieron quedarse a ministrar a causa de la nube, porque la gloria del SEÑOR llenaba la casa de Dios. (2 Chronicles 5:14)