Yoked to Jesus

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Inglés)

RESUMEN: In Mark 6:30-44, Jesus and his disciples are seen as a model for what a powerful congregation should look like. The disciples report back to Jesus both what they have done and what they have taught, seeking his interpretation and perspective. This highlights the importance of being Christ-centered in both action and teaching. Additionally, the disciples and Jesus had a visible profile in the community, with people following them because they knew Jesus had the answers to their problems. A powerful congregation should also be visible and known for its ability to provide solutions and help to those in need.

The church of Jesus Christ is called to be visible and active in the community, providing solutions to people's problems. It should be a place of compassion, feeling the pain of others and ministering to their needs. The church needs to provide clarity and truth through clear teaching of the word of God, and not just focus on spiritual matters, but also provide holistic ministries that encompass material needs as well. Jesus taught this by telling his disciples to give the hungry crowd something to eat, showing that the church has a call to minister in all the needs of a community. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a whole gospel that can shine a light on any darkness, and the church should be a resource for the community.

The church needs to address the issues facing the community, such as loan sharks and deceptive lenders, by using its resources to teach about healthy living, financial management, and family dysfunction. The church should not be limited by its lack of personnel or facilities, but should have faith in God's power to provide. The church should empower believers by releasing their native gifts and teaching them about the power of the Holy Spirit. Living a supernatural life means expecting miracles, cultivating the Holy Spirit's presence, and sharing that abundance with others. The church can feed a multitude with even the smallest resources when empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The speaker talks about the importance of having the Holy Spirit present in abundance in our lives. This abundance allows us to give and feed others, not just ourselves. The speaker prophesizes a message of abundance and greatness for the church and individuals, calling for us to open our hearts and minds to God's inexhaustible fullness. The speaker blesses the people and prays that these words will be inscribed in their spirits and established in the community for years to come.

All right, let’s go to the word immediately, and I’d like to invite you to come with me to the Book of Mark, the gospel according to Mark. Actually these were some thoughts that I has going to share with… let’s go to chapter 6, by the way, beginning with verse 30. I was going to share some of these thoughts at the last session of our retreat as a parts of a visioning kind of thing and didn’t get the chance because we had a lot of other material to go through, but I’d like to share about this passage in terms of a, what kind of church do we want to be? What kind of church God needs in this time of history and in this place, in this city? What kind of people do we want to be?

So, I want you to read that passage from that perspective and I hope that I can illuminate all of us with some of those core values, some of those attributes that we would like to show in this city as a community. Mark 6:30, I have used this passage in other contexts perhaps before, but here I want to, the perspective of church and service to the community and to the city. It says that:

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