An Appointment with Christ: A Graceful Life (Luke 6:27) Part 2

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The attitude of grace is one that predisposes us to treat others with a benevolent, generous, and kind way. It forgives the offender and assumes good in others instead of assuming evil. This attitude is exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, and as His disciples, we are called to adopt this behavior and lifestyle. We cannot consider ourselves disciples of Jesus Christ if we do not. God loves his enemies and does good to those who hate him, and we are supposed to extend the same grace to the people around us. The grace that we are supposed to extend to our neighbor, I call horizontal grace, from side to side. There is an intimate connection between God's grace towards us and the grace that we are supposed to have towards others. If you want to be a recipient of grace, you have to give grace, because God already gave grace to you first. If you want to be truly like God, then ask God to make you a man, a woman of grace.

We are here on this day because we want to share with you the beautiful word of God and in our previous meditation we started a study about the life of grace, the attitude of grace and that is what we want to explore in these meditations, and we are using as a basis the passage found in the Gospel according to Saint Luke, Chapter 6 beginning with verse 27. This passage has been called the golden rule where the Lord tells us to do to others what we want others to do to us. That is the well-known golden rule. We are also told in this passage about love towards enemies.

Luke 6, 27 says: “....but I say to you who hear: love your enemies, do good to those who hate them, bless those who hate you. curse and pray for those who mistreat you."

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