An Appointment with Christ: Proverbs 3 (Part 4)
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
On this occasion I want to continue our study about the Bible, the word of God. In our last session we discussed the fact that if we truly want to follow the Lord's commandments we have to make an effort not to forget God's law, that means we have to try to keep God's word continually running through our mind. We have to read the Bible every day, we even have to learn a few verses of scripture that we can repeat in order to keep it running through our minds. It is important to attend church and listen to sermons that teach us how to interpret God's word and that teach us how God's word applies to the events and issues of normal human life.
We also remembered that the word of God that we have to keep the Bible in our hearts. Keep the commandments of the Lord in the heart, where the affections are, where the emotions are, because in fact the relationship with the word of God is not only a matter of the mind, memorization or study, but it is also a matter of the heart, of feelings, of emotions, of loving the word and delighting and enjoying it and keeping it in that central place of our personality.