A new DNA for eternity

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: As Christians, our victory in the spiritual realm is based on our faith in Christ, who has given us a new nature and made us partakers of his divine nature. This new nature makes us winners, and we do not need to strive for approval or acceptance from God. We do not continue to live with a sinful nature if we have truly experienced a new birth and walk in the Spirit. Sin contradicts the new divine nature that Christ has given us, and we feel burdened when we sin because it goes against our new nature. We are a new creation in Christ, and our past is buried in the cross of the Savior. Let us live Christ with all our being and share His message of grace and salvation with others.

Faith is the basis of our victory in the spiritual field. The indisputable victory of Christians is that Christ is in us. We are bound to him by unbreakable spiritual ties that nothing and no one can undo. Christ is our life because he has made us partakers of his divine nature. God speaks to us today and says: “Thus God has given us his precious and magnificent promises so that you, after escaping from the corruption that exists in the world due to evil desires, may have a part in the divine nature.” ( 2 Peter 1: 4)

The Word is clear and you have read well. You and I belong to God's holy nation and because we believed Jesus Christ by faith, there is within us a special type of DNA that was given to us by God when we were born again and became spiritual beings. This new nature in Christ is what makes us winners, it was not our efforts or personal efforts to consecrately serve him in our spiritual walk. Service to Christ must flow from that new nature that God has given us in his Beloved Son and not from the complex formula of "I must do or have to do such a thing" for God. There is an uncompromising truth: we have been accepted by Christ and you don't have to burn yourself out to gain more approval from your owner and Lord. Approval and acceptance are synonymous with love.

Are we Christians and still retain the sin nature that delighted in sin before receiving Christ? That's impossible! Or at least the Bible, in all its versions, does not say so. I don't think the Holy Spirit can be comfortable within us dwelling with a sinful nature. The divine nature of Christ in us stubbornly rejects the desires of the flesh, the body of the old man who lived in worldly disorder and who was crucified on the cross of Christ so that we could be reborn dressed in the beauty of the new creature in which he converted us. It wasn't you who converted to Christ, it was He who did.

The truth is that neither you nor I continue to live with a sinful nature if we have actually experienced a new birth and walk in the Spirit. Don't you feel sad when you commit sin? I am sure it does, but this regret, this burden that we feel when we sin does not come from the supposed sin-loving nature of that old man - or woman - sinner, slave to the passions of the world. Not! We feel this way because sin contradicts the new divine nature that Christ has given us, they reject each other, they cannot live together. The Word tells us: “So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, they are all new ”(2 Corinthians 5:17). The devil wants us to think that although saved by God's grace, we continue to sin because a portion of the old nature (the old man-woman) that we were before Christ still survives in us. That is one of the reasons why, unfortunately, many of our brothers have not understood their new birth. God continues to speak today: “We know that our old nature was crucified with him so that our sinful body would lose its power, so that we would no longer remain slaves of sin; for he who dies is freed from sin ”Romans 6: 6-7

My brother and sister, God has made us a new creation in Christ. The new creation (creature) has no past. It is new and rejoices in its creator! Our past was buried in the cross of the Savior. From there we have been reborn to a new life where we are no longer slaves of sin. Christ is the object of our faith, the objective of that faith is eternity. Let us live Christ with all our being, let us be worthy of His nature that He has given us as an eternal inheritance! He decided to share it with his children and we must announce it so that others know His message of grace and Salvation.

God bless you!

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