A God greater than all problems

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

SUMMARY: Problems are a normal part of life, but God's grace is sufficient to give us encouragement in the face of difficulties. The Holy Spirit can transform negative feelings and bring them to submission to Christ. The most serious problem that paralyzes the Christian is the ignorance of their own identity in Christ. We need to focus on divine perspectives rather than human problems. God has wonderful plans for His people and cares about how we feel and behave. Focusing on problems causes fear and anguish, but trusting in God's love removes all anguish and helps us deal with problems in His way.

Let the one who says he has no problems cast the first stone. Problems are normal and everyday, they are part of life, they accompany us everywhere; to work, home ... even to church. God's sovereignty encompasses all these problems and his grace is sufficient to give us encouragement in the face of any difficulties. God says "Do not fear, because I am with you; do not be discouraged, because I am your God" (Isaiah 41.10a).

However, fear, worries, guilt, anguish, among others, are always thieves of spiritual well-being and the joy of the Lord. The Holy Spirit that dwells within the Christian is responsible, if he allows it, to transform negative feelings and bring them to the submission of Christ to make us better and remain in him. The Lord says: "I dwell on high and holy, and also with the contrite and humble in spirit, to quicken the spirit of the humble and to quicken the heart of the contrite" (Isaiah 57.15). It is that God is never wrong. By putting into the mouth of Jesus Christ the inevitable reality that there would be afflictions and anguish in the world, whether we like it or not, he knew in advance that with the test he would give us the way out (1 Cor 10.13); that with weeping joy will be affirmed; that problems abate, but he leads us by his hand. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and if the rivers will not overwhelm you. When you go through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flame burn in you. (Isaiah 43.2)

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