Three attitudes - persevere, share and pray
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Acts 2:42-47, the writer gives a report on the early Christian community and the things that characterized their life as a church. They persevered in the Apostles' doctrine, had fellowship with one another, broke bread together, and prayed together. They sold their possessions and shared with one another and ate together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God. The Lord added to the church every day those who were to be saved. The writer emphasizes the importance of persevering in the Apostles' doctrine and having a loving, welcoming, and family-like community. The church should strive to be a place where everyone knows each other's names and where visitors feel welcomed and loved.
The pastor is encouraging the congregation to strive for a church of love, and to show hospitality to one another. He emphasizes the importance of coming together for prayer and worship, and living an exemplary Christian life. The result of this will be a healthy fear of God in the community, and the Lord will add those who are to be saved to the church. The pastor shares examples of how the church's good testimony has brought people to Christ.
The author believes that there is no need for forceful evangelism, but rather living an authentic Christian life and allowing God to bring people to the church. They emphasize the importance of community, hospitality, and perseverance in doctrine. The author also expresses excitement for the diversity of languages and cultures within the church. They ask for guidance in playing their part in the church's growth and commitment to the values of the Kingdom of God.Acts Chapter 2, I want to start at verse 42. Let's remember that we are studying the book of Acts and that it is not just one book that we are studying, we are using the book of Acts to study many texts, many topics of the Bible, many spiritual principles that are part of our life. The Book of Acts is simply a springboard, a starting point for the other teachings. So don't feel like we're too limited because we're just studying the book of Acts. Rather, this is part of knowing things well and getting the most out of Scripture. So let's take, I think that actually, although there is a division, I don't know if it is in your Bible, beginning in verse 43 to 47, actually verse 42 should also be inserted there along with the other final verses because they are part of a totality, of an idea that the writer wants to project. Verse 42 says:
“…And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine, in fellowship one with another, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…”