A loving community

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The apostle Paul celebrates the loving community of believers in Colosse and asks the Holy Spirit to provide them with spiritual nutrients that instill powerful and beautiful qualities. This community of believers supports and encourages each other, which brings joy to the Holy Spirit and invites blessings. Similarly, in the God Speaks Today community, believers from all over the world are loving and supporting each other, which is a burnt offering of praise to God. This international community should be woven around the principle of Christian love and mutual love for one another. The focus should be on the person of Jesus Christ, and the meditations should center on Him.

If we aspire to be powerful, vigorous and fruitful believers, we need to focus on the person of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul begins by saying in Colossians 1: 9: "Therefore we also from the day we hear it we do not stop praying for you and asking that you be filled with the knowledge of His Will in all wisdom and spiritual intelligence. "

When the apostle Paul says from the day we heard him he is referring to the attitude of these brothers from Colosse. The apostle Paul says that they are people who are filled with the love of God and the love of the Holy Spirit. In verse 8 the apostle Paul speaks of Epaphras a servant of the Lord who seems to have been the founder of the Church of Colosse and says that: "Brother Epaphras has declared your love to us in the Spirit."

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An anointed and diverse community (Part 1)
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An anointed and diverse community (Part 2)
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Dr. Roberto Miranda
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