Everything happens

Alberto González Muñoz
Alberto González Muñoz

RESUMEN: A spiritual revolution has occurred in Cuba in recent years, with many turning to religion and churches reporting significant growth. This growth is happening without the use of mass media or propaganda, but rather through human relationships. The Holy Spirit is working on the island in a powerful way, touching people and encouraging them to seek God. The difficult years of atheism and disbelief are long gone, and many are returning to faith and seeking God.

When you hear the name of the island of Cuba, you always think of one word: Revolution. With it, the social process that has been carried out on the Caribbean island for more than half a century is identified. The Cuban revolution is as applauded by some as it is condemned by others.

There is another revolution that has happened in Cuba, especially in recent years that has not been given much space in the news media. Since the 1990s, a true spiritual revolution has occurred on the island. Cubans, once uninterested in religion or churches, have turned to them. All Christian denominations, as well as other religions, report a very significant growth in recent times. It is a fact already recognized in Cuba by those who are dedicated to the study of social phenomena and by the churches themselves in their statistical studies. It is also obvious to the naked eye. There are multitudes of new congregations and many churches meet in the homes of Christians with overflowing enthusiasm and fervor. The most shocking thing is that this phenomenon occurs in a country where the gospel is not preached by the mass media and the dissemination of the faith passes exclusively through human relationships without the use of media propaganda of any kind. Many countries, which do have this possibility, do not experience the same interest in spiritual matters and the same growth in the life of the churches.

Cubans, without a doubt, have been blessed by God, and the Holy Spirit is working on the island in a way that has never been experienced before. In the same way that as in the book of Genesis, speaking of creation says that the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters (Genesis 1: 2), that same Spirit now moves in the country touching people and encouraging them to seek God and follow him.

The years when Cuban churches were empty as a powerful movement of atheism and disbelief took over the nation are long gone. True believers undoubtedly suffered, but they trusted God and waited on him. Those difficult times passed and today we see many return to faith along with many others who, recognizing their need for God, repentant, today look forward to him. God is great!

God bless you!

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