The value of the father as a spiritual guide (Part I. Education)
Faustino de Jesús Zamora VargasThis world has run out of paradigms. There are not many people who are role models. Considering Christ as a model of fatherhood, we are the parents who should fulfill that role. Today there is a profound identity crisis throughout society (and people do not know what it is, or the role it plays in the social sphere), and the individual is fluctuating when it comes to showing convictions. For this reason, the family becomes the stronghold, the fortress and tower where the most elementary values can best be taught to the children. Of course we are talking about the values of the Kingdom of God, of the Christian life.
People talk about values rather hastily without realizing that values are based on convictions. When in a society there are no deep convictions about the priority issues that belong to life, there is a danger that the values that it upholds will be diluted between riots of slogans and empty promises. Listen well dad, you are the father to whom God has assigned the sacred privilege of being the spiritual guide of your children! After God, as a father figure, the paradigm of your children must be you!