Message to parents June 17, 2012

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker shares a message for fathers and men of God, reminding them of God's promise to bless those who fear Him and delight in His commandments. He encourages fathers to be faithful in their role as protectors and covers for their children, and to pass on their love for God and His Word to future generations. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a positive influence in the lives of others, even if one is not a biological father, and encourages the Church to model good values of parenthood. He reminds listeners that God is in control and faithful to fulfill His promises, and encourages them to trust in Him.

He led me to share with you, parents, but also with the whole Church, some verses from Psalm 112, which is the Lord's promise to you man, whether you are a father or not, in biological terms, listen to the Lord's promise: "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord and delights greatly in his commandments" is the man of God foundation, of all prosperity, of all beatitude, of all blessing, is to delight ourselves in a strong and active, dynamic Word, to actively delight ourselves , to find its fruit, from the Word, from the principles of the Lord, not only to come to a church to fulfill a formal, social task, but to come hungry, with an appetite for God, with the desire to pour ourselves out before Him and declare our love.

Knowing that as the Psalmist says, a year in Your house is better than a thousand outside of it, to delight ourselves in the house and the affairs of the Lord, the person, the man who feels this way, and God is bringing many young people to the Church, I rejoice in it, not because the other older men are not equally valuable, but how good it is to see young people, they are starting early to search for God, and they are rectifying their lives, they could be out there doing and undoing but God is playing, here in the House of the Lord, that's good, there's no need to be ashamed of that, bring your party friends here, even if you're hungover from last night's partying bring them, bring them to the House of God don't worry, here we fix them, but delight yourself, delight yourself man, because that will allow you to be a good father, a good husband, be a good friend, be a good partner, a good worker, a good worker.

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