Advice to Parents: 1 Commitment for life + 1000 Interventions = 1 Healthy child

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Being a parent is a lifelong commitment that requires continuous investment in our children to instill spiritual values, discipline, and a hunger for excellence. It requires daily interventions and being present in our children's lives. In urban societies, these opportunities have to be artificially created as they don't come naturally. The word of God provides an excellent source to learn effective fatherhood or motherhood. The key advice is to invest time, energy, love, and commitment in our children and seek guidance from the word of God.

One of the most important things is to understand that being a parent is a lifelong commitment but that it is also an intensive, demanding commitment that requires many, many continuous hours of our lives being invested to form the sensitivity of our children.

We want to produce children with solid spiritual values, hard-working, disciplined people, hungry for excellence and self-improvement, subject to authority, loving God, full of the holy spirit, humble, merciful to others, capable of interacting productively with others. people.

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