Presentation April 5, 2014: Show off your new clothing

Ada Valles
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The speaker begins by reading Colossians 3:1-17 and emphasizing the importance of the exhortations found in the passage. They note that the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Church of Colosse from prison, addressing issues and philosophies that had entered the Church. The speaker highlights Paul's approach of beginning with praise before correction with love.

The speaker then shares a personal anecdote about a childhood portrait and the natural inclination of women to dress and display themselves. They note that while people may judge based on external appearance, spiritual clothing is judged by actions and deeds. The speaker emphasizes the importance of believers taking action in their spiritual growth, as indicated by the various verbs used by Paul in Colossians 3:1-17.

The speaker notes that growth is a process and requires determination and obedience from the believer. They share an example of someone who repeatedly faces the same issue in their life, without realizing that the issue is within themselves. The speaker emphasizes that God's purpose for believers is to grow to the likeness of His Son, and that the Spirit of God helps believers in this process of change.

The speaker concludes by comparing the importance of a mirror for physical appearance to the importance of the Spirit of God for spiritual growth. They encourage believers to take action in their growth and to be authentic in their actions and deeds.

The speaker talks about the importance of the presence of God in our lives and using the Word of God as a mirror to reflect on ourselves. She uses the analogy of cooking rice and removing the paste that sticks to the pot with water, comparing it to the water of the spirit (the Word of God) cleansing us of our sins. She then uses a mannequin to represent the old suit of carnality that we need to discard and mentions characteristics of this old suit such as sexual immorality, impurity, disordered passions, greed, and anger. She emphasizes that this is not to judge or blame anyone but to do a self-assessment of where we are spiritually.

The article discusses the negative impacts of anger, profanity, and lying on individuals and relationships. It emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions, forgiving others, and striving to embody the qualities of the new creature in Christ, such as mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and a forgiving spirit. The article encourages readers to write down these qualities and remember them when reading the Bible, and to put them into practice in their daily lives.

Forgiveness is about obedience to God, not emotions. Love is the basis of humility and mercy. We should have a grateful heart and never forget what God has done for us. Our actions should reflect the character of Christ. We need to grow in maturity and reflect what God has done for us. If anyone wants to make a commitment to God, the doors of the altar are open.

The emphasis this morning is on verse 12 of Colossians 3, but I want to read from 1 to 17 so that we have an idea of what Paul is saying to us this morning, amen? I am going to read it because my version is different and I want us all to have the same version so that we can all continue here. We're going to stand up one more time and we're going to read, if you can read with me, okay? remember that the Lord is speaking to all of us, amen? This is not for the neighbor or for the one next to me, nor for my husband, nor for my daughter, at this moment he is speaking to all of us.

And it says like this: "If, then, you have risen with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your sights on the things above, not on the things of the earth. Because you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

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