Restoration Churches Needed
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
We continue our meditation on the call for a balance between holiness and grace in the 21st century. We have to live in the tension between being vertical holiness churches and being merciful churches. The process of sanctification is a long-term journey. Churches are needed that are willing to pay the price of reflecting the character of Jesus Christ.
Let me say something to the people who read me or listen to me or watch this program and it is that: if a Pastor or Christian leadership decides to go on this path of balance that I see reflected in the Person of Jesus Christ, they will receive many attacks from both one side as the other. On the side of people of extreme holiness and legalism they are going to be accused of being liberal and not adhering to the Word of God and of being debauched with things of the spirit because they are not continually cutting off people's heads when they are in a sin or other and are willing to allow a little space in which people come to the fullness of the character of Christ.