Protect the unity of the church
Omar Soto(Audio: Español)
The speaker stresses the importance of protecting the unity of the church, as it is essential to understanding the values of God's Kingdom. Unity does not mean uniformity, but rather a sense of alignment in thought and feeling. To protect the unity of the church, one should focus on what they have in common rather than differences, and be intentional about nurturing the aspect of the image of God that promotes harmony among people. The history of the church shows that denominations arise due to differences in interpretation, but this church celebrates diversity and welcomes people from different backgrounds.
The speaker talks about the importance of protecting the unity of the church, despite differences in beliefs and personalities within the congregation. He emphasizes the Biblical principle of not judging others, and having realistic expectations of fellow church members who are all sinners on a journey towards perfection. He encourages choosing to motivate rather than criticize, rejecting gossip, and resolving conflicts using the methodology taught by Christ in Matthew 18. He also acknowledges that there may be times where someone must be removed from the church for the sake of unity, but this should be done according to Jesus' process. The speaker emphasizes that the church is like a family, and all members should work towards promoting peace and mutual edification within the congregation.
In order to protect the unity of the church, we must first recognize that it is a gift from God and work towards maintaining it. We must also be willing to listen and communicate effectively, even when conflicts arise. It is important to have a common purpose and promote a sense of unity despite our differences. Conflicts can bring opportunities for growth and it is important to work towards resolving them. Lastly, we must support and respect our pastors and leaders in order to create a healthy church environment.
The speaker emphasizes the importance of protecting the unity of the church and encourages the congregation to be mindful of their actions and words. He asks for God's help in promoting a community of harmony, love, and peace. The message is not intended to make anyone feel smaller but to help us see ourselves in the light of what God has for us as a church. The speaker asks for wisdom, discernment, and the courage to admit mistakes for the purpose of protecting the health of the church. He concludes with a prayer for God's blessing on each member and for the message to continue echoing in their hearts.I would like to start with a phrase that I want to express to you. A few months ago I had the opportunity to prepare a Bible study for the young adult group of the church and they were talking about the theme of unity, and while I was preparing the weeks before, I don't know how many of you have heard of this book of The Purpose Driven Life, by Pastor Rick Warren. I don't know if you've had a chance to read it.
But I have a series of cards that are like daily reflections, these are cards that put you on different topics to reflect on. And a few days before I was to give that study, I came across this card and it caught my attention. And I wanted to use it as the basis of the message for today.