The value of the unity of God's people

Milagros García Klibansky
Milagros García Klibansky

SUMMARY: The concept of "divide and conquer" is harmful, as it can lead to broken families and relationships. As Christians, we are part of the family of God and must work together as one body with Christ as the head. Each member is important and must fulfill their intended function, and leaders should be humble servants. We must stay united and support each other to arrive before God's presence according to His will. The story of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem shows the power of a united people.

There is a popular saying: 'Divide and conquer.' Many of us who lived the years of study in boarding schools (scholarship holders) in Cuba, had to put it into practice in a desperate attempt to survive, without realizing that we were part of a damaging plan with consequences that persist to this day. < ! - break ->

Divorced marriages, destroyed homes, children without parents and the list continues every day as a result of the disruption of the fundamental nucleus of society, the family. But this situation extends to other areas of our life and human relationships.

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An article about the importance of setting priorities based on the example of Nehemiah in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and how Christians should prioritize their relationship with God and building the values of the Kingdom of God.