So that all grace may abound

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: The speaker discusses the importance of giving and serving the Lord, using the story of the poor widow who gave everything she had as an example of sacrificial giving that touches the heart of God. He also shares a personal dream he had about the spiritual darkness in the area of the Lion of Judah Congregation and how God brought them to that place to do spiritual warfare. The speaker believes that the congregation has the prophetic incarnation of the Lion of Judah and encourages them to rise to the call they have received.

The pastor speaks about the importance of giving to the Lord in a way that costs something and involves risk, just as David and the widow did in the Bible. He emphasizes that God is a God of covenants and has given authority to His church, making the state of the house of God important to Him. When we give to the church and care for its resources, God will provide for our needs and bless us. The pastor's desire for the congregation is that they become a desirable land, with prosperous and successful members who represent the kingdom of God well.

In this sermon, the pastor encourages the congregation to give generously to God's house, emphasizing that giving unlocks God's blessings and prosperity. He warns against neglecting God's house and principles, and highlights the importance of sowing and reaping. The pastor clarifies that expecting a blessing from God is not a mechanical process, but rather a biblical truth that brings hope and faith in God's promises. He encourages each person to give as they purpose in their heart, with joy and spontaneity, knowing that God is mighty and will cause grace to abound in their lives.

The pastor encourages the congregation to give generously and with joy in their hearts. He reminds them that God loves a cheerful giver and promises that God is mightier than any financial difficulty. A member of the congregation shares her vision of a bigger church and her decision to give the money she had been saving to the Lord. The pastor concludes by emphasizing the importance of sacrificial faith in proving the greatness of our faith and trusting in the Lord's promises. He prays for God's blessing and strength for the congregation.

The truth of the principles that I am laying down here are not just for this campaign finance but are for a lifetime. That is very important to remember.

I have said in the spirit I believe that this year is a year of teaching about faith for the León de Judá Congregation, that everything that we are going to be teaching in one way or another is going to be oriented to reestablish the faith of this people, to that it be an aggressive people, a militant people, and an effective people with respect to the things of the kingdom of God.

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