Patience is one of the most important things in the Christian life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Paul prays for us to be strengthened with all power according to the power of God's glory, not just for personal gain but to reflect the character of Jesus Christ. One of the most important qualities is patience and long-suffering. We need the power of God to cultivate this quality in our character, to be patient with others, and to give value to patience in our lives. Trials and circumstances can also help us develop patience. We need a conscious decision to cultivate this quality and pray for the Holy Spirit to generate it in us.

Paul says here that he asks that we be strengthened with all power according to the power of His Glory and it is interesting that one would expect that the power for which Paul prays would lead rather to health, to financial abundance, to triumph in all the problems that we may have and a prosperous life and great abundance.

But Paul says that the power he asks for is: "For all patience and long-suffering." It is interesting that in this case he focuses as one of the results of that power rather patience and long-suffering. That is why I believe that when he says that: "it conforms to the power of His Glory" Paul what he is saying is that, we Christians use power not necessarily only for personal purposes of personal gain but that we also have to use it for the benevolent and powerful way God uses it.

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