Get the most out of the test
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
In the Epistle of the Apostle James in chapter 1, after speaking of the fact that we have to consider it with great joy to find ourselves in various tests because those tests of our faith produce patience among many other things, the Apostle James also gives us a warning and He says: "But his complete work be patient so that you are perfect and complete without missing anything."
After speaking of the importance of trials and regarding them as a reason for in a sense to rejoice spiritually in them because such trials produce in us the quality of patience that is essential to Christian character, the apostle James makes a small warning as well. and he says: "But his complete work may have patience so that you may be perfect and complete." In other words, I believe that what the apostle James is telling us here is that: let's make sure that we absorb all the positive effect that the tests have so that the patience that we have to develop reaches its maximum expression, so that our character as Christians I reached a level of perfection almost or at least of utmost development.