Testing produces patience

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: Patience is important in our relationships with others and in enduring the trials of life. We need to cultivate patience so that we can endure trials and see them as opportunities for growth. Many times when trials come, we become impatient with God, doubt His intervention, and decline in our spirits. We need to ask the Lord for patience and arm ourselves with strength to endure trials and remain in prayer until the trial passes, believing that God has a purpose in every situation. When we patiently wait for Jehovah, He will bring us out of the test and put our feet on a rock.

It is important that we believers develop patience in terms of our relationship with others. That at all times we manifest that quality that is so characteristic of God towards us. God is patient, he says and does not want anyone to get lost, but rather gives time before the coming of His Son so that Most of the people can be saved and is patient with us, just as the father has compassion on his children, Jehovah also has compassion on us.

But I also believe that patience is important with regard to the trials of life. When difficulties come that are made many times and allowed by God to form and forge in us an attitude of patience that we then endure those trials, and that we see them as an opportunity to develop that quality of patience.

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