Our relationship with God - The key piece in the formation of our children

Jorge Ayllón Navarro
Jorge Ayllón Navarro

SUMMARY: The influence of parents, family and religion are important in shaping a child's beliefs and values. If we instill in our children a love for God from a young age, it will benefit them in their Christian life. Our relationship with God should be a daily approach through prayer, reading the Word and meditation. Our example of a godly life is important in influencing the people around us. Let us walk guided by God's Light and Word and be sowers of love and God in our children.

Every terrorist was a child one day; and also every missionary. The difference between the two lies in the influence of the parents. The influence of both the family and religious aspects, since obviously children have to be educated from the moment the child becomes aware of things and In that eagerness to want to know everything that surrounds him, this daily intimate contact with the mother will make that love last forever above all things, then comes the training in the sense that things are accessible to the child and what things are not. accessible, even if he has his tantrums that leave us stunned and many mothers in order to save this situation allow the child to get what he wants even knowing that this is wrong

I particularly have a saying “what is yes, is yes. What is no, is no ”,

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