Don't be ignorant about spiritual gifts
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
The passage in 1 Corinthians 12:1 is a call from the Holy Spirit to not be ignorant about spiritual gifts. The original Greek word used by Paul, "pneumon," is much broader than "spiritual gifts" and refers to things of the spirit or matters of the spirit. Paul wanted to correct the Corinthian congregation's lack of understanding about the mysteries of the spirit and bring them to a clear understanding. God wants us to be well informed and educated about things of the spirit, not just in terms of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but also the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit should be balanced with character, harmony, love, kindness, and patience.
In a Pentecostal church filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, it is important to have a balance between the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and character, harmony, love, kindness, and patience. When preaching about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there must be a balance and an understanding of the collective context in which they are being manifested. In a congregational meeting, the manifestations of the Holy Spirit must be conditioned to the collective context, unlike when one is alone or in a small group. When the Holy Spirit is manifesting, one must be careful not to offend or scandalize others. There is a fine line between grieving the Holy Spirit and maintaining the order that befits the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. It is important to discern the body and respect the privacy and dignity of others. One must investigate and find out where the manifestation of an evil spirit comes from before rebuking it. It is important to have knowledge about the subtleties and complexities of the Holy Spirit and to be deep in things of the spirit.
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the power of the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the need for spiritual warfare, fasting, and prayer to combat the demonic forces in today's society. He also discusses the various gifts of the Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, and suggests that there may be more gifts not listed in the Bible. The speaker shares an example of a prophetic word given to a sister in the congregation, which was later confirmed to be related to the preparation for the death of her mother. He emphasizes the importance of being prepared for death and not leaving funeral arrangements for the last minute.
The pastor speaks about the importance of being open to the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit and cultivating the gifts of the Spirit. He shares examples of healing and restoration in the congregation and emphasizes the need to appreciate and value the Holy Spirit. The pastor also encourages gratitude and joy as spiritual weapons and warns against quenching the Spirit or despising prophetic words. The congregation is invited to seek more of the Holy Spirit and to make the church a place of daily bread and manifestation of God's power and gifts.First Corinthians, chapter 12, verse 1. I want to leave only one verse in your mind and now I ask the Lord to renew this passage in my spirit so that I can preach it as if it were the first time today, even though I preached it this tomorrow in english It is a call, a warning, a challenge, an invitation from the Holy Spirit to the people of God, he says:
"I do not want you, brothers, to be ignorant about spiritual gifts."