The past doesn't matter
Alberto González MuñozRosa believed in God in her youth and was one of the many people who later professed disbelief in Cuba when the teaching of scientific atheism was established after the 1960s. The difference between her story and that of my father and José that I narrated in previous meditations, is that Rosa did not wait for the last moments of her life to take the road back. Her decision was costly and difficult, but it allowed her to express her faith and enjoy not only a renewed and vital communion with his God, but of the Christian fellowship that he so badly needed.
She was a very active believer during her teens. As he later recounted, those were the happiest and most beautiful years of his life. By falling in love with an unbelieving man and marrying him, she turned away from the faith and was introduced into an atmosphere of total disbelief, rejection of religion and especially Christians.