Do not be a respecter of people
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In this sermon, the speaker discusses James 2:1-9, which talks about not being a respecter of persons or discriminating against others. He emphasizes the importance of pastors speaking the unadulterated word of God, even if it may offend some people. The speaker also notes that historically, the poor have been the first to accept the Gospel, and that sometimes when rich or influential people come to church, pastors may feel a need to please them and decrease the anointing or lower the temperature of the church. However, the speaker emphasizes that pastors should retain the right to speak clearly and that the church should always listen to the word of God, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
The pastor discusses the issue of churches catering to influential people and losing their anointing and message in the process. He emphasizes the importance of pastors and leaders continuously analyzing their actions and intentions to ensure they do not compromise the revelation given to them by God. He also talks about the history of the church and how the influx of influential people has led to corruption in the past. He stresses the value of equality and diversity in the church and encourages congregations to learn to appreciate and love different cultures and races. He urges individuals to step out of their comfort zones and reach out to those who are different from them to promote the values of the kingdom of God.
The Lord calls us to invite and cultivate relationships with people from different cultures, races, and backgrounds. We need to step out of our comfort zones to grow and learn about other cultures and ways of life. This is a sacrifice that pleases God and reflects the values of the kingdom. Our true worship is not just in words, but in our actions and how we treat others. We need to be humble, transparent, and loving towards everyone, not just those who are similar to us. This should be the hallmark and standard of our church. We reject anything that goes against this value and embrace unconditional love for all.Chapter 2 of James, verse 1 to 9. It says: My brothers, may your faith in our glorious Lord, Jesus Christ, be, and here is the key to this segment, be without respect of persons. We are going to be Pentecostals, tell your brother next to you “Do not be respectful of people”. Tell someone there.
Do not accept What does it mean to be a respecter of persons? Let's see it because the book develops that. The word here is a respecter of persons, a very fancy way of saying 'discriminate'. Let there be no discrimination. May there be no racial, economic, ethnic, national discrimination among the children of God. There is not, there cannot be, it is a contradiction that the Lord hates. When God's people discriminate or discriminate against each other, or with people who are all created in the image and likeness of God. Because if a man enters your congregation, so to speak, with a gold ring and splendid clothes, a three-piece suit, and a poor man with a tattered dress also enters.