Do not love the world or the things that are in the world

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Español)

RESUMEN: As children of God, we are in a continuous battle between the call of the world and the call of God. We must understand that the world is not going to love us, and we must not love the world. The world is where Satan reigns with his sinful values, rebellious to the Word of the Lord. When we enter the ways of the Lord, we have to say goodbye to the world and be in continuous enmity with it. We do not get attached to material things, we do not allow ourselves to be controlled by the opinion or thinking of others, we do not love money or passionate or sensual things. Ultimately, our loyalty is not with the world, and our love is not fixed in the world. Our priorities and our money are invested in things that benefit the Kingdom of God and promote the causes of the Kingdom of God. We have to be continuously vigilant when the world wants to mold us, renewing ourselves with the Word of the Lord, communion with the saints, gathering together, continually meditating on the things of the Spirit, and listening to good Christian music. Our ultimate goal is to reach the Kingdom of God with victory.

In the life of each child of God there is a continuous battle between the call of the world and the call of God to submit to Him and live a life of holiness and in accordance with the values of the Kingdom of God. This battle goes on continuously. We must understand that this world is not going to love us and we must not love this world because there is a fight to the death between these two poles of human existence.

The Bible says that he who loves the world cannot be a friend of God, and is more an enemy of God, it says: "Do not love the world or the things that are in the world because the world passes and its desires; but those who they do the Will of God they remain forever "but the world is the place where Satan reigns with his sinful values, rebellious to the Word of the Lord.

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