My god is unchanging

Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas
Faustino de Jesús Zamora Vargas

RESUMEN: God's immutability brings hope and security to the believer. In a world of uncertainty and doubt, the unchanging nature and attributes of God give us peace and joy. We should not doubt that Christ is the head of all power and authority, including the devil. Knowing that God is faithful, merciful, powerful, and holy, we can repent and trust in His unchanging love. The immutability of God is also a warning to imitate His holiness and an opportunity for the lost to know Him through faith.

God brightens the heart of the believer with the fire and passion of his love through trials. He will never break his word and his promises. His word will not pass and his promises will be kept. The Christian of faith can rest in the assurance that God is never outside the life of his children, no matter the time or the circumstances. The man of God survives, because he lives to despite time and difficulties. From the cross we have the opportunity to envision our eternal destiny and live preparing ourselves for the reunion on the Lord's day. Our guarantee is the immutability of God, the certainty that Jesus is the same as yesterday and that his mercies reach us and allow us to see his greatness, his fidelity, his eternal love. "With an everlasting love I have loved you" (Jeremiah 31: 3). His authority is full.

We live in constant anxiety about what tomorrow will bring. In a world so changing and insecure due to the sin of man and the inconsistency of those who govern (for which we must also pray), the lord of darkness intervenes from time to time in Christian territory trying to snatch a piece of the conquered Kingdom from us. The culture of uncertainty and doubt has become part of the devil's handbook and recipe book for weak souls, for decayed Christians. Paul said to the Colossians: All the fullness of the Godhead dwells in bodily form in Christ; and in him, who is the head of all power and authority, you have received that fullness. (Col 2.10)

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