Maintain unity and harmony
Jonatán Toledo(Audio: Español)
The passage from Ephesians 4:1-3 urges Christians to live a life worthy of their calling, which means being representatives of Christ on earth. This includes being humble, kind, patient, tolerant, and working to maintain unity within the body of Christ and with others. The historical context of the Book of Ephesians in the Bible was a city that struggled with elitism and social classism, and Paul wrote to encourage Christians to grow in love and unity despite these challenges. To illustrate these principles, the speaker uses the story of Noah's Ark and encourages listeners to focus on their own growth and change rather than trying to change others.
The speaker talks about a man in Holland who built a replica of Noah's Ark, and compares it to the construction of their own church. They then discuss the musical Marcos Vidal wrote about Noah's Ark, and how it compares different animals to different personalities in the church. The peacock is seen as selfish, while the donkey is helpful but can become resentful, and the nightingale is overly pessimistic. The speaker encourages people to be humble, helpful, and positive in their service to the church.
The story of the Ark and its animals teaches us about tolerance, forgiveness, and unity. The animals had different personalities and issues, but they had to learn to live together in the Ark. Many animals annoyed each other, but they had to learn to bear with each other and help each other grow. When one animal failed, the others criticized and rejected them, but they had to learn to restore them with meekness and bear each other's burdens. In the end, the animals learned to focus on the good in each other and to be thankful for God's mercy and love. They built an altar and sang a song of gratitude to God for saving them from the flood.
The story of Noah's Ark is connected to Paul's message to the people in Ephesus about tolerating and enduring each other. As representatives of Christ, we should get rid of pride and negative traits within ourselves instead of criticizing others. We should ask God for forgiveness and strive to change ourselves. The song "Heal our land" by Marcos Witt is a prayer for guidance and sanctification.Ephesians chapter 4 verses from 1 to 3 says: "I, therefore, a prisoner in the Lord, beg you to walk worthy of the vocation with which you were called with all humility and meekness, patiently bearing with one another in love, eager to keep the unity of the world." Spirit in the bond of peace."
Let us pray: Lord we thank you for Your Word that is alive and effective and sharper than a two-edged sword, which penetrates to the last of our entrails, Lord. We ask You this morning that You prepare our hearts to receive from You Lord and that we can hear a renewing and refreshing Word, Lord, that challenges us and that makes each one of us grow in our walk with You Lord, that through these words we can get closer to You Lord and that we can put into practice what You want us to do Father, in Jesus Name amen.