The processes of Faith
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
In Matthew 15:21-28, there is a woman from an enemy nation who cries out to Jesus for her daughter who is tormented by a demon. Jesus does not answer her at first, and then the disciples try to send her away. The woman persists and shows great faith, and Jesus eventually heals her daughter. This story teaches us that prayer is a process and sometimes God's answer is silence or wait. Prayer is an interaction between God and the person who asks, and sometimes there is spiritual warfare involved. Even people who do not understand our visions may oppose them, but if we discern that it is from God, we should persist in our faith.
The message is about persisting in our faith and prayer, even when faced with obstacles and scandalous responses from God. It emphasizes the importance of discerning God's will and not letting people take away our blessings. The story of the Syro-Phoenician woman shows the power of standing on a specific word from God and using it as a battle motto. The message encourages us to find that specific word and saturate our spirit with its message, even in the midst of challenges and struggles.
The sermon discusses the importance of finding the right words to approach God in prayer. Just like in a legal process, the defense attorney carefully investigates the legal code to find the specific argument that will extract the desired verdict from the judge. Similarly, in prayer, sometimes the Holy Spirit gives us the specific way we must approach God. We may not know for sure what we should ask for or how we should ask for it, and in those cases, we need the Holy Spirit to instruct us and provide us with the precise words to present our petitions before God. The sermon uses the example of the Syro-Phoenician woman who found the specific word that released the healing power of Jesus. The sermon also highlights the importance of appropriating specific texts of Scripture in our lives and using them as guiding forces during our spiritual journeys.We have talked about putting the Faith into practice and using the principles of the Faith teachings found in the scriptures. I now want to turn your eyes to Chapter 15 of the Gospel according to Saint Matthew, beginning with Verse 21.
There is a woman there who for me is a woman of Faith. Just as we have talked about Ana, we have talked about the Parables of Christ of the friend at midnight, we have talked about Bartimaeus and many other characters of Faith: Mozafath, etc. I want to talk to you about the Syro-Phoenician woman.