Find the spiritual axis for your requests

Dr. Roberto Miranda
Dr. Roberto Miranda

SUMMARY: In the journey of faith, it is important to find a specific word from God's scripture that can be used to navigate challenges and struggles. This can be a promise or prophetic word, and should be meditated on and used as a flag or motto. The story of the Syrophoenician woman shows how a specific word can unleash the power of Jesus and lead to affirmative answers. It is important to know the Word of God well and seek specific guidance for personal struggles.

In the journey of faith, there are times when the believer has to look for what I call the spiritual axis, the scriptural fulcrum, from where it is possible to settle down, in order from there to undertake the battle that is ahead. It can be a text from the word of God; it can be a promise that God has whispered to our hearts; it may be a prophetic word that we have received. In any case, as we have said before regarding prayer, it is important for the believer to seek and discover God's specific statement for whatever battle he has to fight, and to learn to "stand" on what God has said concerning your particular situation.

That is why it is so important that you learn the Word of God well, and that when you are faced with a challenge in life, or take on a struggle, a journey, a spiritual adventure, you can find that specific word in the Bible that has to do with the personal drama that you are living. And when God gives that rhema word to your spirit, receive it and make it your flag. Make it the motto of your battle. Meditate on it constantly; present your requests in terms of their content; saturate your spirit with the images that emanate from it; repeat it over and over again until your spirit has soaked up its message and extracted all the spiritual nourishment it contains.

Sometimes God has spoken to me like this. While I have been reading the Bible, a particular text has come to prominence in my inner being, and has acquired three dimensions within my spirit. And God has told me: "That is the text that I want you to use to unleash and channel the power of my Spirit in this specific journey that you have undertaken."

The Syrophoenician woman approached Jesus with a desperate request. His daughter was seriously affected by an unclean spirit. Could he free her from her grief? The Lord responded to prove her with a discouraging and even slightly insulting word: her ethnicity disqualified her. It was not good to give the food of the children (the Jews) to the dogs (Gentiles like her and her daughter). "Yes, Lord," she humbly replied. "But even the little dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."

Shocked by this astute, specific, and faith-filled response, the Lord said to him: “By this word, go; the devil has come out of your daughter ”. The woman found the specific word that unleashed the healing power of Jesus! He "stood" on that answer, and reformulated his case using the same image that the Lord had used to reject it. The Master had no choice but to reward with an affirmative answer the forceful spiritual argument that she raised.

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