Called to be an armor bearer

Gregory Bishop
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: The passage from Acts 4 introduces a man named Joseph, also known as Barnabas, who is referred to as the "son of encouragement". Encouragement is defined as inspiring with courage, spirit, or hope, and spurring on or stimulating. The story of Jonathan and his armor bearer in 1 Samuel 14 demonstrates the importance of being an encouraging supporter to leaders, as the armor bearer follows Jonathan into battle with a heart and soul commitment. Even though they are uncertain of the outcome, the armor bearer throws his heart into the effort with Jonathan.

The speaker talks about the importance of being an encourager to those in leadership and to our friends. Using the examples of Jonathan and David, and Barnabus, the speaker emphasizes the need to be a faithful and encouraging supporter to those in leadership, even if we may disagree with them. He also stresses the importance of being a good friend and reminding our friends of the promises and good purposes that God has for them, especially in times of difficulty. Lastly, the speaker talks about Barnabus, who was chosen to encourage and include those who were traditionally excluded from the church. Overall, the message is to be an encourager to those around us, and to remind them of God's faithfulness and promises.

The sermon is about Barnabus, a lesser-known figure in the Bible who played a crucial role in the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Barnabus was known for his ability to see potential in people and give them a chance, even when others were skeptical or suspicious. He was also a mentor and encourager to Paul, helping him to grow and become the man of God he was meant to be. The sermon challenges listeners to be like Barnabus and look for the potential in others, especially children, and to be willing to mentor and encourage them in their spiritual journeys.

The speaker challenges the audience to be like Barnabas, who encouraged and believed in Paul and John Mark despite their past failures. He urges them to see the potential in others, especially children, and to be a source of inspiration and encouragement. By choosing to focus on people's strengths and potential, rather than their faults, we can become Barnabas in someone's life. The speaker encourages the audience to pray and visualize themselves encouraging leaders in their lives, being a friend who reminds others of God's purpose for their life, and taking someone under their wing. He concludes by asking the audience to thank God for those who have encouraged them in their own lives and to strive to be an encouragement to others.

The Book of Acts, chapter 4, we’re just going to look at one verse, we’re going to do some jumping around a little bit today and it talks about some of my favorite people in the Bible today, so I’m really excited of this. These are some of my heroes and they’re heroes that are not too often talked about and that’s why I was looking forward to this. So, Acts, chapter 4, we’re just going to read verse 36 and 37, Libro de los Hechos, versículo 36 y 37.

It’s starts by talking about a man named Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus. I’m just going to bet a lot of us don’t know about Joseph, this Levite from Cyprus in the book of Acts, the Apostles had a nickname for him, whom the Apostles called, Barnabus which means, son of encouragement. And it says that this man sold a field he owned, brought the money and put it at the Apostle’s feet. That’s the first we see of Joseph, also called Barnabus. All I wanted to do with those verse was start by mentioning that name, Barnabus.

"Called to be an armor bearer":

Raymond Lee
Do you want to be a dildo?
Learn about the life of Barnabas, the son of encouragement, and his ministry in helping new believers and those with financial problems or who had strayed from the path. Discover the importance of youth ministry and Christian encouragement in the Church.

Raymond Lee
Are you willing to be an encourager?
Learn how to be an encourager like Barnabas, who helped those in need and recognized the potential in others. Christians should follow his example and offer encouragement to all types of believers.