Do you want to be a dildo?

Raymond Lee
(Audio: Spanish, English) ->Original

SUMMARY: In Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, the Bible urges us to exhort and encourage each other daily, so that we do not become hardened by sin. Encouragement means standing next to someone and providing them with actions that support and strengthen them. We should all strive to be encouragers, and to thank God for those who have encouraged us in our own lives. The life of Barnabas is an example of someone who embodied the virtue of encouragement, and his ministry was instrumental in the life of the Apostle Paul. It is important that we take every opportunity to encourage each other, and not neglect gathering together as the day of the Lord's coming draws near.

Barnabas was known as the "son of encouragement" and exemplified this virtue in his life. He saw people through God's eyes, recognizing their importance as creations of God. He helped those in need, including new believers who were vulnerable and needed guidance. It is important to pay special attention to youth in the church and help them grow in their faith.

We must pay special attention to the youth of our Church and bring them to spiritual maturity so that they become giants in the Lord. Barnabas was a great encourager who helped four types of Christians: those with financial problems, the weak, the strong, and those who had strayed from the path. Barnabas helped Paul to be accepted by the Church, encouraged the weak and strong, and helped Juan Marcos, who had failed, to be accepted again and become a great collaborator in ministry. We must follow Barnabas' example and be encouragers and comforters to others.

I want to invite you to take your bibles and go to Hebrews 3:13, here is the Word of the Lord: "Before exhort yourselves" say: exhort yourselves, "exhort one another while it is said: today, so that none of you hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

To exhort, to encourage means in the original to dress with value and the opposite of encouraging is clearly to discourage, to take value away from the person. What does it mean to exhort, encourage? It means getting close to someone, standing next to someone and providing them with actions that support them, that support them, that strengthen them so that instead of getting discouraged and losing spirits, feeling defeated, they can raise their heads and then be able to adopt the resources , the attitude to be able to become those people, those people that God wants them to be.

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