Elements of a powerful life

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The sermon focuses on Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 and the principles of living a powerful and successful life. The writer encourages the distribution and generosity to others, taking risks, and continuous personal growth. Success is measured by significance and impact, not just wealth or fame. The process towards achieving goals may involve setbacks and failures, but it is important to keep moving forward with a broad, daring, and enterprising vision, trusting in God. The image of throwing bread onto the waters represents the trading ships in ancient times that traveled for long distances and had to wait for a long time to reap the rewards of their efforts.

The writer emphasizes the importance of having a long-term vision and being willing to take risks and deal with setbacks in order to achieve great things in life. He encourages readers to conceive clear, specific goals and align their daily lives with them, even when it means dealing with boredom and discouragement. The ability to think in the long term and overcome setbacks is a key skill for success.

The key to success is to overcome discouragement and boredom by being disciplined and in love with your goal. You should get rid of traumas that prevent you from reaching your goals and focus on Jesus as an example and inspiration. You should also be patient and work towards your goals, investing and sacrificing for the future. The person who arrives is the one who exempts themselves from many things and holds on to their vision. A physical building is not the goal, but rather the spaces where the glory of God can be manifested through the community. The vision should keep you motivated in the face of failures and criticism, and ultimately, what you want is to live a life that has meaning and leaves a lasting impact.

The speaker shares their personal testimony about wanting to live a life with meaning and impact, rather than just accumulating wealth. They highlight the importance of leaving a lasting legacy, whether that be through creating something that revolutionizes technology or simply putting carpets in a building. The speaker encourages listeners to live a life of greatness and honor God through their actions, and asks for the Lord's help in achieving this.

I want to sow life principles in the lives of my brothers that bless them not only at this moment and on this day, but also general life principles, and I want to go with you to one of my motto passages, one of my favorite passages found in Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verses from 1 to 6. This is one of the passages that informs my life, my Ministry and that I share many times when I have the opportunity to share with leaders.

And I titled this sermon: Elements of a Powerful Life, Elements of a Powerful Life. And it is found as I say in Ecclesiastes 11 and here it says: "Cast your bread on the waters because after many days" note what it says there after how many days, one day, two days? are my brothers here? "after many days you will find it, throw it away and trust" because after many days, after a long time has passed, you will find it again, but the implication is: not only will you find what you threw out, but you will find it multiplied , widened, grown. After many days you will find it.

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