The true nature of Jesus Christ
Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Español)
Many false groups, many false sects through the centuries - even Christian sects - have tried to question the deity of Jesus. One of the things that the enemy will always try to do is lower the status, the stature of Jesus because Satan knows that if he succeeds in overthrowing Jesus from his central position in the Christian faith he will be dealing a mortal blow to our faith.
So we see many times that false groups through the centuries have tried to lower the stature of Jesus and that is why the Bible is so insistent over and over again in presenting that true nature, that deity of Jesus Christ. We see that in the first century the Christian Church fought to the death with a heresy called Gnosticism that again tried to present Jesus Christ as simply a lesser being, as one of many different gods that existed in creation and that also dealt with putting in a lot of rituals and teachings, taking care of holidays and meals, and not getting married and getting into a lot of speculation about gods that were in the upper atmosphere and a lot of things that took Jesus away from His true importance and His deity.