Jesus Christ is the very platform that supports all that exists

Dr. Roberto Miranda
(Audio: Spanish)

SUMMARY: The apostle Paul emphasizes that Jesus Christ is before all things and that everything subsists in Him. This means that Jesus is not only the Creator but also the Sustainer of all that exists, actively involved in holding, maintaining, and managing the universe. The Bible teaches a God who is fully involved in His creation, unlike the philosophy of deism that suggests God created everything but is distant from it. John uses the Greek word "logos" to suggest that Jesus is the unitive principle that gives coherence and meaning to the world. Jesus Christ, the foundation of creation, became flesh and dwelt among us, and now lives in our hearts when we invite Him to be Lord and King of our lives. Confessing Jesus as the Sustainer and Creator of our own lives gives it meaning, coherence, foundation, and purpose.

The apostle Paul is here pointing to the fact that Jesus Christ is before all things. It reminds me of a passage where the Lord Jesus Christ says that "Truly I tell you, before Abraham was born, I am." and I remember that when Jesus Christ said that the Pharisees took stones to stone him because they said: when you say that you were before Abraham or before Moses, you are making yourself equal to God.

They understood the implications of what Jesus was saying, right? Before Abraham was I am and that is what the Bible talks about God when Moses asks him: what is your name? Who am I going to say sent me? and God says: tell them that I am who I am. So when Christ says: before Abraham was I am the Pharisees understood that Jesus was using code language to suggest that He is equal to the Father and that is why they said: we are going to stone you because you are making yourself equal to the Father.

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