Dr. Roberto Miranda(Audio: Spanish)
In this sermon, the speaker focuses on Matthew 1:18-25, which tells the story of Joseph's reaction to Mary's pregnancy and the angel's message to him in a dream. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the true meaning of Christmas and celebrating it according to God's will. He also reflects on the cost that Mary and Joseph had to pay for Jesus to be born and encourages discretion and love in how we relate to one another in the church, especially in times of crisis or uncertainty.
The key to harmony in families and relationships is treating each other well, loving each other, and avoiding gossip and meddling. Joseph's character was exemplary, as he was a just and virtuous man who showed mercy and grace towards Mary when he found out she was pregnant. Instead of seeking revenge or causing a scene, he chose to quietly separate from her. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cultivating Christian character, which includes forgiveness, grace, and generosity towards others. By imitating the character of Jesus Christ, we can be blessed and receive more from God.
The passage in Matthew 1:18-25 tells the story of Joseph and Mary, and how Joseph initially planned to secretly leave Mary when he found out she was pregnant. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream and assured him that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and that he should not be afraid to take Mary as his wife. The child would be named Jesus, which means "God is salvation", and would save his people from their sins. This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, which said that a virgin would conceive and give birth to a son, and he would be called Emmanuel, which means "God with us". The writer emphasizes that Jesus Christ is God himself, dwelling among men, and that he is a personal God who likes to communicate with his creatures. The speaker encourages the audience to be patient and wait for God's timing in their lives, and to trust that God will fulfill his promises.
The speaker explains the significance of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes that Christ was born into a human family, and experienced all the trials and temptations of human life, yet remained perfectly holy. He invites anyone who has not yet accepted Christ as their savior to do so, and several people raise their hands to accept the invitation. The sermon is available in audio and video formats on the church's website.In the book of the Evangelist Matthew, Chapter 1, verses 18 to 25, an exemplary account, I call this text Matthew 1:18. Last Sunday we were watching the announcement of the angel Gabriel to Mary about the birth of Jesus. Today we are going to analyze the announcement, the clarification that an angel makes to Joseph, in a dream and that tells us many things about the values that we must embrace as Christians in the Kingdom of God.
Matthew 1:18 says: “...the birth of Jesus Christ was like this”, everyone say “like this”. “.... when Mary, his mother, was betrothed to Joseph before they got together, it was found that she had conceived the holy spirit. Joseph, her husband, as he was just and did not want to slander her, wanted to secretly leave her and thinking about this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to receive Mary, your wife. because what in her is begotten of the holy spirit is. And she will give birth to a son, and will call his name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. All this happened so that what was said by the Lord would be fulfilled, through the prophet when he said: behold, a virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call his name Emmanuel, which translated is "God with us", and waking up Joseph from the dream, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and received his wife, but he did not know her until she gave birth to her firstborn son and named him Jesus."