god chose you
Samuel Acevedo(Audio: Spanish)
Let's go to the word of the Lord. It is a privilege to be here sharing with our brothers on this triumphant day and thinking about the fact that in 8 days we will be celebrating Christmas. And I was meditating on this word. It is a very Christmas text but as I examine it more and more, my brothers, I believe that it has more to do with your journey of discipleship, our journey as disciples of Jesus Christ, than like Christmas. Moreover, Christmas is embodied, my brothers, in our journey as disciples.
Let's go to the word of the Lord, Luke, chapter 1, verse 34. And meanwhile allow me to go before the presence of the Lord, bless you, bless this moment that we have experienced and look once and for all what God has in front of us, What does God have prepared for us? Not just tonight but what he has as long as we live. Father, we thank you, thank you Lord for each brother who has chosen to follow you, and thank you Lord for the beauty of tonight, and thank you, Father, for the beauty of this word that we are going to share. Cover us with your cloud, Spirit of God, give life to this word. And Lord, my request is that each one of us, each brother who hears this word when leaving here, Lord, to our lives, to the journey, to the adventure that you have chosen for us, may it be, Lord, with a even stronger commitment to live in holiness and embrace, Lord, the purposes for which you have called us in the name of Jesus.